Director Jaromír Borek capped off a career of more than 20 years with the story of a five-year-old boy allergic to bee stings. General practitioner Vrba has his own method for dealing with such cases – a blood transfusion directly from a beekeeper who has experienced many bee stings over the years. But tracking down such a donor for the heavily traumatised youngster is no easy feat. The police service thus joins forces with doctors to help save the child’s life... The drama chiefly plays out in a hospital. It is based on a true story, which occurred in the former East Germany. The tense script, written by Pavel Hajný, also showcases the talents of actor Oldřich Vlach, largely known to audiences through his television roles. This 1986 movie features Vlach as a physician battling to save five-year-old Péťu.
The little Péa is at his grandfather's in the Giant Mountains. He is waiting for his parents and is looking forward to spending the holidays with them. The grandfather's bees swarm. The swarm finally settles in a tree. Péa bumps into the tree and the entire swarm pounces on his head. The boy is taken to hospital. He is in a deep coma and in danger of dying. Ordinary treatment cannot cope with so many stings in the small child's body. The duty nurse calls doctor Vrba at home for he has his specific method for such cases: a blood transfusion from a bee-keeper. Péa's grandfather immediately offers himself but he has a different blood group. The hospital issues a list of all bee-keepers in the district and visits them in an ambulance. Even the police is involved. Finally, they manage to get the right blood for Péa and it seems that the battle is won. But the dose is insufficient and searching for an appropriate blood donor must start again. Fortunately for Péa, there are people who help without delay. One of them is a German customs officer, who is driven to the hospital by Czech tourists. After several transfusions, the medical student Monika notices that the boy moved. That is a sign of improvement and hope. Morning arrives and the sun comes up after the dark night.
Petr Hajný wrote the script after a real accident. It occurred in Greifswald in the German Democratic Republic in 1984 where MD Weisbitzski saved the life of a fiveyear old boy who suffered aproximately five hundred bee stings.
MUDr. Vrba
MUDr. Kavan
chlapec Péťa
Péťův otec
Hanka, Péťova matka
MUDr. Malina
medička Monika
staniční zdravotní sestra Jiřina
Péťův dědeček
nadpraporčík VB Poláček
nadstrážmistr VB
strážmistr VB
saniťák Kája
denní zdravotní sestra
denní zdravotní sestra
celník Janda
Vrbova žena
MUDr. Němcová
dispečerka Míla
včelař Ladislav Novotný
průvodčí ČSD
včelař Jan Husárek
včelař Lojza
Lojzova žena
malíř pokojů Vala
německý celník Rolf
vesnická teta
dárce krve
noční zdravotní sestra
noční zdravotní sestra
architektka Kateřina
včelařský funkcionář Fanda
poštovní úřednice
majitel vesnického stavení
Ing. Kopečný
Voice by Jana Drbohlavová
Marie Kopečná
syn Kopečných
syn Kopečných
otec MUDr. Vrby
lékař z Prahy
dívka v hotelu
řidič Tatry 613
teta na svatbě
ochotnický herec – mlynář v Lucerně
René Slauka
Lubomír Moravec
Jiří Forst, Jan Hodný, Karel Plaňanský, Milan Šilha
Drahomíra Čížková, Ing. Koutská (spojka)
MUDr. Ivana Němečková
Lenka Křivánková (klapka), Miroslav Jirsa (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Song Composer The Wilburn Brothers
Writer of Lyrics Jan Vyčítal
Cena medu
Cena medu
Honey Price
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 31 January 1986
technical Screenplay approved 22 May 1986
start of filming 4 June 1986
end of filming 15 August 1986
projection approval 5 January 1987
the first film copy approved 6 January 1987
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1990
premiere 1 November 1987 /suitable for youths/
2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
76 min
2 161 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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