The Sea Starts outside the Village





Production year



1 September 1988


78 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Moře začíná za vsí

Czech title

Moře začíná za vsí

English title

The Sea Starts outside the Village

Working title

Hodný chlapeček


After his intriguing film about a children’s choir, Všichni mají talent (Everybody Has Talents, 1984), Zdeněk Flídr went on to direct Moře začíná za vsí (Sea Starts Outside the Village, 1988), a family film about a gang of village boys who during their summer holiday dream of a real seafaring adventure. Eight year-old Jakub and his friends also accept a Slovak girl called Katarína into their scheme. Their approach is methodical and they even hoard food as part of the preparations. However, new obstacles emerge which could obstruct their plan to embark on 1 August… Based on a story by Irena Dobrovolná, the film is a relaxing slice of entertainment. Flídr relies on the fresh charm of amateur child actors in the main roles, while most of the adult parts in this undemanding film are played by reliable professionals. The rabbit keeper is portrayed by Jiří Schmitzer, who played the role of the choirmaster in the director’s earlier film.


A village gang of boys, headed by the eight-year old Jakub, has its "headquarters" in a cave in an old quarry. Here, the boys are getting ready to fulfill their dream - going to the seaside. But it will not be simple to realize because their preparations are interrupted by various events as well as parents. The worst disaster is caused by one of them, Bohouš, who is caught stealing food from a pantry at home and, while being questioned, betrays everything about the gang and its hiding place to his father. The father gets their camp destroyed and the boys exclude Bohouš for his betrayal. Jakub pushes through a girl Katka from Bratislava to become a member of the gang. Bohouš wants to reconcile with the boys and he and Honzík therefore try to find a new hideaway. Bohouš also offers the boys some valuable sea gear while in a field where they are picking corn. But Jakub is incorruptible. In the evening, the field catches on fire. The firemen find Jakub's knife there. Jakub takes the blame. But the one who struck the match was actually Bohouš and he confesses. The fathers take the two boys to the police. Subsequent expertise, however, proves a different cause of the fire. The children eventually reconcile and postpone their grandiose trip to the sea to the next holidays.


Filip Novotný

kapitán Jakub Horák

Pavel Špachman

první důstojník Bohouš

Katarína Hazuchová

Katka Bártková

Ondřej Veselý

kormidelník Pepa

Tomáš Baťha

druhý důstojník Tomáš

Jan Olšakovský

plavčík Rosťa zvaný Pupák

Kryštof Ungrád


Jiří Schmitzer

chovatel králíků Láďa Nový, Honzíkův otec

Markéta Světlíková

Nová, Honzíkova matka

Jan Hrušínský

Vašek, Jakubův otec

Dana Bartůňková

Jakubova matka

Zdeněk Mucha

Bohoušův otec

Marta Hrachovinová

Bohoušova matka

Oldřich Vlach

okrskář VB

Jaroslav Urban

krmič Hlaváček

Božena Lukešová

Kadlecová, Katčina babička

Kateřina Malá

Zuzanka, Jakubova sestra

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Eva Kadaňková

Assistant Director

Josef Basakin

Director of Photography

Antonín Holub

Camera Operator

Ivan Šimůnek, Oldřich Eichler (steadicam)

Production Designer

Ludvík Široký

Assistent Production Designer

Jaroslav Řeřicha

Set Designer

Ivan Břešťák, Jan Hodný, Karel Kočí

Costume Designer

Šárka Váchová

Film Editor

Jiří Brožek

Assistant Film Editor

Růžena Hejsková, Eva Horázná

Production Manager

Miroslav Smrček

Unit Production Manager

Jarmila Benešová (2), Ivan Helcl

Unit Production Manager

Karel Lupoměský, Antonín Říha, Petr Jahn, Hana Svěráková


Karel Čepička, PhDr. Jindřich Pecka


Marcela Bernardová (klapka), Josef Řezáč (fotograf), Jiří Šveňha, JZD Božejovice, obyvatelé Božejovic


Music Composed by

Jaroslav Krček

Music Performed by

Musica Bohemica (Music Conducted by Jaroslav Krček)


Běžela voda ze všech stran

Song Composer Jaroslav Krček
Writer of Lyrics Jindřich Pecka
Singer sbor

Sedemdesiat sukien mala

Singer Katarína Hazuchová

Production info

Original Title

Moře začíná za vsí

Czech Title

Moře začíná za vsí

English Title

The Sea Starts outside the Village

Working Title

Hodný chlapeček




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

literary Screenplay approved 23 July 1986
start of filming 6 April 1987
technical Screenplay approved 22 May 1987
withdrawal from distribution 30 June 1995


premiere 1 September 1988 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Marcela Pittermannová (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

78 min

Original length in metres

2 289 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages


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