During the 1980s, Vladimír Drha established himself as the author of everyday, psychological contemporary stories. One of the films that is the culmination his work in this period was a story describing the relationship between a mother and her 20-year-old daughter. Both protagonists are struggling with difficult periods in their lives: the attractive Jana Burešová is 45 years of age and her midlife crisis has been complicated by a relationship with a younger man. This self-centred woman focuses only on herself and does not notice that her daughter, Simona, is living through a much bigger drama: the young nurse is pregnant. She hides her condition and decides to secretly give birth to the child out of wedlock. On her birthday, Jana unexpectedly discovers via the police that she has become a grandmother. Simona, however, refuses to communicate with her. The time has come for these two alienated and frustrated women to find each other again… Jana’s mother also plays a role in the story. Simona is part of the third generation of socialist women who have been pushed by enforced emancipation into feelings of guilt and helplessness. The men in Citlivá místa (Sensitive Spots) are presented as immature, arrogant, and easily manipulated people, who are unable to provide support for their female counterparts. Vladimír Drha collaborated on the script for Sensitive Spots with Katarína Slobodová, who also wrote the original story. The director conceived the purely female theme as a psychological drama whose protagonists are two strong female personalities. The appeal of the film, which criticised a loss of faith inside the family at the end of the 1980s, is enhanced by an all-star cast. Jana Brejchová took the role of the mother while the part of Simona was played by her real daughter, Tereza Brodská. Both actresses brought a strong element of authenticity to their confrontational roles. They also played the roles of mother and daughter a year later in Evald Schorm’s Vlastně se nic nestalo (Nothing Really Happened, 1988). In that film, however, Brejchová played a mother who was overly protective of her adult daughter.
Jana celebrates her forty-fifth birthday with her female colleagues from a bookstore and her ten-year younger lover Pavel. She is deeply in love with him and egoistically refuses to admit that he is married and has two children. The student Tomá is sent to a gardeners' colony by his mother to get some fruit compote. An unknown car is parked in front of the cabin next door. A child's cry makes the young man look inside. He finds a neonate and an unknown, bleeding unconscious girl. He takes both to a maternity hospital. Although the baby was treated professionally, the mother and child faced death in the cold weather. The doctor calls the police. The police also pick up Jana at home and take her for interrogation without any explanation. The woman who has just given birth is Jana's twenty-year old daughter Simona, a nurse by profession. The two women did not understand each other lately, mainly because of Pavel, and Jana vainly claims that she had no idea about her daughter's pregnancy. As do her mother and grandmother, the pleasant Tomá daily visits Simona, who is worse psychically than physically, in the hospital. The girl communicates with the granny but sharply rejects her mother's visits. The vigorous grandmother, Jana's mother, blames her daughter for always preferring men to Simona. Jana looks up the father of her newborn grandson but finds him to be a superficial womanizer, moreover a married one. In the critical situation, Jana is also left by Pavel who was pulled back to his family due to the sickness of his child. Simona finds herself lodgings but feels helpless and desperately cries the very first evening. The forsaken Jana cannot stand the pain and runs to visit her daughter. She slaps her across the face and then the two fall into each other's arms.
The impulse to film the story came from the actress Jana Brejchová who also influenced the final form of the script.
prodavačka v knihkupectví Jana Burešová
Simona, Janina dcera
řidič autobusu Pavel Čada, Janin milenec
student Tomáš Junek
Janina matka
MUDr. Kraus
vyšetřovatel Kopecký
bytná Truda Šedová
Gábina, Tomášova matka
gynekoložka Kateřina Jedličková, Janina přítelkyně
zdravotní sestra Pavlína
vedoucí knikupectví Nataša
Eva Taušová, Janina kolegyně
muž v autě
Peter Calábek, Simonin bývalý přítel
Tomášův otec
Janin kolega
zdravotní sestra u Kateřiny
Bedřich Čermák, Rudolf Beneš, Vladimír Ježek, Rudolf Kinský
Hana Štefanová, Daniela Jenčíková
Jiří Lendr
MUDr. Božena Žemličková, Josef Bendl
N. Kalinová (klapka), Zdeněk Vávra (fotograf)
Zdenek Merta, FISYO (Music Conducted by Josef Pech)
Song Composer Zdenek Merta
Singer Petra Janů
Song Composer Michal David
Writer of Lyrics Richard Bergman
Singer Michal David
Song Composer Julius Kalaš
Writer of Lyrics Josef NeubergFrantišek Vlček st.
Singer Jana Brejchová
Song Composer Petr Janda
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Vrba
Singer Petr JandaOlympic
Song Composer Ruda Harnisch
Writer of Lyrics Ruda Harnisch
Singer sbor
Citlivá místa
Citlivá místa
Sensitive Spots
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 25 July 1986
start of filming 22 September 1986
technical Screenplay approved 18 October 1986
end of filming 11 May 1987
projection approval 30 June 1987
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
premiere 1 May 1988 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
88 min
2 490 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 15. festival zdravotnických filmů Podbořany
Podbořany / Czechoslovakia
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Katarína Vaculíková
Festival: 26. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Jana Brejchová
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