In the early 1980s, director Karel Smyczek, working with screenwriters Radek John and Ivo Pelant, made some remarkably successful motion pictures centred on adolescent heroes. Thanks to the critical tone and realistic sociological scope pursued by these films, they very much outdid the contemporary, optimistic tales being put out about teenagers at the time. Following the films Jen si tak trochu písknout (Just to Whistle a Bit, 1980), Jako zajíci (Like Rabbits, 1981) a Sněženky a machři (Snowdrops and Daredevils, 1982), Smyczek in 1987 shot the drama Proč? (Why?). Based on a screenplay written by the journalist and columnist John, the film is inspired by true events. The story follows a group of young Sparta Prague football fans who, en route to an away match in Bánská Bystřice, demolish a railcar, threaten other passengers and even try to throw a protesting Slovak conductress out of the window. The role of alcohol, and mutual goading with opposition fans, go so far that even railway station workers are afraid of standing up to the hooligans. Finally, in Bánská Bystrica, the police intervene... At the time of its release, the realistically portrayed film sparked lively debate. Even today Proč? amounts to an unadorned, convincing testimony presenting afflictions of the 1980s generation – young people without motivation or faith in the future, youngsters indeed who had been dispossessed of their aspirations by the socialist state. For the hooligans in the film, the venting of aggression has becomes a way to attract attention. The morally devastated protagonists end up on trial, but they and their parents refuse to take their share of responsibility for what has happened... Director Smyczek, together with cameraman Jaroslav Brabec, made the film in a documentary style, shooting in the cramped atmosphere of a real railway wagon. Several actors who would later achieve fame and success played adolescent fans (Jiří Langmajer, Martin Dejdar and Jan Potměšil). The directors Igor Chaun and Petr Vachler also feature in the film, in side roles. Emília Zimková performed the part of the conductress, while Smyczek himself stepped forward to play the part of the reporter who, at the conclusion of Proč?, asks random passersby for their views on the affair.
At a regional court, the trial is beginning of some young people who had demolished several passenger carriages on the way to Banská Bystrica where the football club Sparta was playing for the title. Most of the rowdies come from broken families and they all support their football players fanatically. Among others, those on the train were Josef urovský, Milan Sýkora, the married Vlasta Chlupáč, the father of a little kid, stepbrothers Jiří and Michal Stupkas, the teenage girl Marie mídová and Petr Chalupa. Jiří was joined by his girlfriend Anča at the Prague Main Railway Station. The flag bearers are drunk and aggresive already and commit various disorders. A Slovak female guard on the train is terrified by these passengers. The high-spirited fans begin attacking other passengers and start demolishing the carriage at night. urovský, helped by others, tries to throw the guard from the train window. They terrorize a student and his girlfriend, almost violating her. The railway personnel at the train's stops are unable to do anything or help the guard in any way. In the morning, all the rowdies are exhaustedly drunk. They are caught by the police and the Armed Railway Guards in Banská Bystrica. Only Pavel - one of the most active rowdies - manages to escape. The parents of the accused rioters respond differently to the misdeeds of their children. The defendants boast in a pub. The court delivers its verdicts: imprisonments from six to eighteen months. Only Michal gets off with a conditional sentence due to his low age. A journalist on the street interviews pedestrians, asking them for their opinion on the case. One of the interviews is interrupted by a march of flag bearers some whom have their faces covered by scarfs. The anonymous crowd hurtles down the street, chanting: What's up! What's up!
Jiří Stupka
Michal, Jiřího bratr
Petr Chalupa
Marie Šmídová
Milan Sýkora
Vlastimil Chlupáč zvaný Vlasta
grázl Pavel
servírka Anča Bečvářová
Josef Šurovský zvaný Šury
Stupka, Michalův otec
Stupková, Michalova matka
Šmídová, Mariina matka
Monika Pastejříková
Moničina matka
student Láďa
studentka Hanka
Jan Suchánek zvaný Suchoš
Milanův otec
hospodský Standa, Ančin otec
Vlastova žena
novinář s magnetofonem
opilý fanoušek
mistr v továrně
Mirek, přítel Mariiny matky
majitel poškrábaného vozu
fanoušek Patka
fanoušek Trubka
fanoušek Cyril
fanoušek Kucmocht
matka na chodbě soudu
matka Šuryho
příslušník OOŽ
opilý fanoušek s trubkou
fanoušek zvaný Bysta
chodec s aktovkou
starší průvodčí
funkcionář Sparty
funkcionář Sparty
příslušník Ozbrojené ochrany železnic
příslušník OOŽ
řidič v modré bundě-muž v anketě
fanoušek Douda zvaný Dako
cestující Karel
Karlova manželka
muž v hospodě
bývalý fotbalový trenér Milana Sýkory
fanoušek Palička
zahradník, Mariin mistr
starší cestující, fanoušek Slávie
starší žena v okně
dlouhovlasá dívka
příslušník OOŽ
muž v anketě
muž v anketě
muž v anketě
hlas Šmída, Mariina otce v telefonu
Jaroslav Česal, Petr Průša, Marek Šíma
Arnošt Böhm, Pavel Cajzl, Jan Dufek, Petr Floss, David Hroník, Jiří Kraus, Jiří Kalenský, Jiří Káňa, Petr Komínek, Dimo Lipitkovský, Ladislav Lahoda, Ivan Mareš, P. Suchý, T. Souler, Jaroslav Tomsa
Vlasta Synkulová, Juraj Zach
Petr Moravec
JUDr. Dušan Veselý , JUDr. Antonín Těšík, Adolf Henn
Dana Sahánková (klapka), Josef Řezáč (fotograf)
Skupina Michala Pavlíčka (Music Conducted by Michal Pavlíček), Michal Pavlíček, FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer Karel Hašler
Writer of Lyrics Karel Hašler
Singer Daniel VětrovskýPavel ZvaričDaniel Landa
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 18 August 1986
start of filming 15 September 1986
technical Screenplay approved 3 October 1986
end of filming 30 April 1987
the first film copy approved 4 May 1987
projection approval 29 May 1987
withdrawal from distribution 31 July 1993
premiere 1 October 1987 /inaccessible for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
86 min
2 460 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 4. festival českých a slovenských filmů FINÁLE Plzeň
Plzeň / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 43. mezinárodní festival sportovních filmů Turín
Turín / Italy
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Radek John
Event: Ceny Svazu československých dramatických umělců
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Brabec
Festival: 21. filmový festival mladých Trutnov
Trutnov / Czechoslovakia
Radek John
Event: 17. ročník čtenářské ankety týdeníku Květy ve spolupráci s Československou televizí a Ústřední půjčovnou filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Langmajer
Festival: 26. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 26. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Event: Prémie Českého literárního fondu
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Pavla Frýdlová