The songs of Michal David added a pop panache to a number of Czech films in the 1980s. One of the most popular movies in which they could be heard was this comedy by director Jaroslav Soukup from 1987. He also made other popular films for young people – Láska z pasáže (Love from the Arcade) and Kamarád do deště (A Good Pal), which also had a sequel, like Discopříběh (Discostory, 1991). This musically attuned spectacle, which is one of the most typical populist titles of the decade, describes the fate of a 16-year-old apprentice chimney sweep, Jirka, and his widowed father Jiří. He is worried about his son, because he has to constantly smooth out his troublesome exploits. Ultimately, however, a reconciliation between the generations occurs, in which the young hero and his peers simply demand that their “parents take them seriously.” Jaroslav Soukup worked on the script with Boris Janíček (real name: Eduard Pergner), who also wrote lyrics for songs that are the means by which the youthful hero represents a world of infantile optimism in the spirit of the official “discotheque” pop culture. Like the target audience, the familiar tone and relaxed humour were primarily aimed at youthful apprentices. One of the film’s interesting aspects is its “decentralisation,” i.e. unlike most similar movies it does not take place in Prague, but in Plzeň… The role of Jirka Horáček was the first major acting opportunity for the youngest Rudolf Hrušínský, whom Soukup also cast in Svatba upírů (Vampire Wedding) as well as in two comedies from the Byl jednou jeden polda (There Once Was a Cop) series of movies, which also starred the experienced Ladislav Potměšil, who played the role of the troubled hero’s bricklayer father in Disco Story. Jirka’s insincere love, Eva, was played by Mariana Slováková, who subsequently appeared in Soukup’s romantic film Divoká srdce (Famous Duels, 1989). However, Jaroslava Bobková, who played the nice hairdresser, Jitka, did not pursue a career acting in films.
The sixteen-year old chimneysweep's apprentice Jirka Horáček is seen off to a school celebration by his widowed father. But as soon as Jirka parts from him, he and his friend Roman go to a disco in the coffee bar Slavia. Jirka becomes fond of the attractive blond Eva, but she belongs to the older dandy Cáfa. As soon as the disco is over, the young lad turns back into the "good son". He meets Jitka and her great mastiff in the corridor of an apartment house. He dreams of big love on the roof of his prefab house before going to bed. The next day, Jirka steals Eva's photograph from the school-leavers class photograph hanging in a florist's shop. Jitka waits for him at home with his ID card, which he lost in her house. Roman likes the girl and the boys arrange to go to a cinema with her. On the way, Jirka spots Eva and joins her and Cáfa's gang. He bets with Cáfa that he would run naked across the square in Plzeň. Although he wins, Cáfa meanwhile runs away with his clothes. Jirka and Eva end up at a local police station. Jirka decides to seek revenge. He invites Cáfa's gang to a luxurious restaurant and he and Eva run away just before getting the bill. The girl is impressed by his "exploit" and they agree on a date. But when she finds out that the boy is a chimneysweep's apprentice, she breaks up with him once and for all. Jirka gets drunk. His feats worsen the relationship with his father. Cáfa's gang tries to extort the money paid for the restaurant bill from Jirka and beats him up when he refuses. The sad Jirka sets off to meet his father at a construction site where he works, but the father has no sympathy for him and slaps him across his face. Jirka packs his things, writes a farewell letter to his father and leaves. The father vainly searches for him. But Jirka has nowhere to go; he is hungry and suffers from cold and lack of sleep. He waits for his father to leave for work, crawls into the flat through the window and gets some food and sleep, disappearing again before the father returns. The father spots the traces of his visit and keeps leaving food in the fridge for him. One day, the father and the son meet over breakfast and reconcile. A street in Plzeň is full of dancing boys and girls and the singing Jirka walks through the crowd of his coevals lining the pavement.
kominický učeň Jirka Horáček
zedník Jiří Horáček, Jirkův otec
Voice by Jana Mařasová
kadeřnice Jitka
Roman Svoboda, Jirkův kamarád
kominický mistr Jonák
Zdena Horáčková, Jirkova matka
vedoucí kadeřnictví
uklízečka ve Slávii
zedník Jarda, otcův kolega
tlustá matka
tlusté dítě
tlusté dítě
příslušník VB
příslušník VB
příslušník VB
prodavačka květin
korpulentní žena
uklízečka v bufetu
rozčílený muž v bufetu
pořadatel na diskotéce
moderátorka televizního pořadu Triangl
kominický učeň Jirka Horáček jako čtyřletý
dívka na diskotéce
dívka na diskotéce
dívka na diskotéce
dívka u Romana
dívka u Romana
dívka na sídlišti
dívka na sídlišti
žena v autě
distingovaná žena v Continentalu
distingovaný muž v Continentalu
kluk na diskotéce
žena v okně
hudebník na náměstí
hudebníci na náměstí
Bohumil Kadlec, Jan Klíma, Karel Karas, Jaroslav Vích
Adriena Jirková, Bohdan Kysil
Miloš Matula, Danuše Vrbová
Klaudie Hepnerová (klapka), Miloš Schmiedberger (fotograf), V. Černý, Filip Smoljak, Karel Staněk, O. Jelínek, R. Suchý
Kroky Františka Janečka (Music Conducted by Zdeněk Barták)
Song Composer Michal David
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer František Janeček
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer Michal David
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer František Janeček
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer Michal David
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer František Janeček
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer František Janeček
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Rudolf Hrušínský nejml. [dab]Michal David
Song Composer Miro Žbirka
Writer of Lyrics Miro Žbirka
Singer Miro Žbirka
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 27 November 1985
start of filming 23 May 1986
technical Screenplay approved 18 June 1986
end of filming 20 January 1987
projection approval 30 January 1987
the first film copy approved 5 February 1987
withdrawal from distribution 1 October 1993
premiere 1 September 1987 /suitable for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 343 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Event: 17. ročník čtenářské ankety týdeníku Květy ve spolupráci s Československou televizí a Ústřední půjčovnou filmů
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Rudolf Hrušínský nejml.
Festival: 26. festival českých a slovenských filmů Brno
Brno / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 38. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´87
77 měst / Czechoslovakia
Jaroslav Soukup
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