Jiří Kačer finished the simultaneous interpreting of Woody Allen’s film Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask). The director pays him his royalty and offers him to work on one more tape. It should be a travelogue but the picture on the cover betrays a porn movie. The translator resolutely refuses but then is captivated by what the director shows him from the videoplayer. Kačer eventually translates the movie and then many others in the following days. The brief sentences and sighs can easily be translated into Czech, but the translator’s private life begins to jar. His wife vainly waits for sex many evenings and the man does not understand his unexpected indisposition. Only a consultation with a sex therapist brings an explanation: the translator lacks sentences and instructions in foreign language. The doctor is ready to carry out the treatment directly in the patient’s flat. Discretely hidden behind the bedroom door, he simultaneously interprets Kačer’s love words, sighs and sentences to German. The treatment is indeed successful and the wife is satisfied. The patient pays the doctor his royalty and asks him to repeat the venture once more.
The closing titles mistakenly read that the author of the leading song is Mundell Lowe. Although Lowe composed the original music to Woody Allen´s film Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex, the opening titles of the Czech film are accompanied by a song by Cole Porter. The subhead towards the end of the movie read: "The three corrupt intellectuals from our film were later unconditionally sentenced for endangering the education of the middle-age generation to three years in prison which stripped them of their anyway shady freedom. The deliquents in question were thus also deprived of their right to be elected to any representative body and of the right of assembly a free speech."
překladatel Jiří Kačer
Kačerová, žena překladatele
Aleš Březina, Pavel Dobrovský, Martin Froyda, Igor Chaun, Jakub Mejdřický, Petr Skoumal, Michaela Šebestíková, Dan Wlodarczyk
Song Composer Cole Porter
Writer of Lyrics Jan Vodňanský
Singer Badot kvartet
Co všechno chcete vědět o sexu a bojíte se to prožít:
Co všechno chcete vědět o sexu a bojíte se to prožít:
Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex But Are Afraid to Experience
featurenon-theatrical distributionstudent film
short film
15 min
173 meters
without subtitles
Exhibition: 7. přehlídka filmařského mládí v rámci soutěže Studentské a umělecké a odborné činnosti Praha
Praha / Czechoslovakia
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