This 1988 film from director Július Matula offers audiences a glimpse into the world of the pentathlon. In an effort to present a slightly critical view of top-level sport, this drama tells the story of a world championship failure caused by a hasty change of trainer. Experienced trainer Pour has been demoted to serving as a mere assistant under ambitious trainer Tomšovský. But while Tomšovský over-exerts his charges, Pour, who maintains the respect of some of the athletes, continues to secretly train the talented Tomáš Hakl. But in the end, it is the greedy sports functionaries who have the final say... Among others, Matula’s film sees actors Marek Vašut and Ondřej Vetchý put through their paces. Tomšovský is portrayed by Jiří Štěpnička, while the part of the more sensible trainer goes to Jaroslav Tomsa. Jan Hartl plays a young filmmaker, recording the goings-on at the US World Championships.
The team of modern pentathlonists lost at the world championship in France. Although it is no tragedy to the coach Pour, the functionaries Liška and Lála feel their privileges are at risk. They therefore replace Pour with the ambitious methodist Tomšovský, who is vigorous and ruthless enough but does not have much experience. Pour is offered the position of Tomšovský's assistant. From the very beginning, Tomšovský keeps introducing various novelties and is not even ashamed to snoop on his athletes. But he mainly overtaxes his racers during their training sessions. Later, he excludes Vilda Staněk and Tomáš Hakl from the team. Tomáš does not give up and trains with Pour who eventually decides to leave the team after the constant conflicts. All the events concerning the training sessions are followed by a young filmmaker Martin and his camera, and the young man also records some discussions. Dissatisfaction begins to rise amongst the boys and it sometimes even results in quarrels or even fights. Several racers perform disappointingly at the national championship and Tomáš Hakl – previously fired by Tomšovský – is nominated to go to the world championship which is to be held in America. Liška "slaughters" Tomšovský but he, however, does not achieve his goal of heading the Czechoslovak team at the world championship. Eventually, only one functionary, the big wig Lála, accompanies the racers to America due to economic reasons.
pětibojař Karel Patera
pětibojař Vilda Staněk
Irena, Karlova přítelkyně
pětibojař Jirka Krob alias Mucinko
Vlasta, Jirkova žena
pětibojař Fero Janečka
pětibojař Tonda Urban
trenér Václav Tomšovský
vedoucí reprezentace pětibojařů Liška
Urbanová, matka Tondy
sportovní funkcionář Lála
trenér Pour
Olda Vondráček, asistent trenéra Poura
mladý filmař Martin Rovný
atletka Dana
pětibojař Saša Balvín
pětibojař Jarda Forst
pětibojař Tomáš Hakl
Janečková, Ferova žena
Marta Hornofová, Karlova přítelkyně
Michal, Martin syn
režisér na stadionu
barmanka Eva, Vildova žena
profesor VŠ
Urban, Tondův otec
tchyně Janečka
Paterova matka
Paterova sestra
Ferův známý v Bratislavě
zdravotní sestra
dr. Kováč
sousedka Nýčová
dívka z reklamy
student František, Karlův spolubydlící
Věra, Tondova dívka
Oskar Reif, Ivana Adamovská
Martin Duba, Milan Lekič
Lubomír Kafka, Vladimír Kvěch, Miloslav Dvořák
Stanislav Šafr, Helena Landovská, Jana Vocetková
Jan Bártů, Karel Bártů, dr. Jan Novotný
Soňa Nemcová (klapka), Karel Ješátko (fotograf), Vladimír Souček (fotograf), Jaroslav Trousil (fotograf)
Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle (La Marseillaise), Joseph Haydn
skupina Provisorium (Music Conducted by Dežo Ursiny)
Song Composer Dežo Ursiny
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Kopta
Singer Karel ČernochPeter Lipa
Song Composer Daniel Dobiáš
Writer of Lyrics Jan Krůta
Singer Dalibor Janda
Song Composer František Janeček
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Machek
Singer Michal David
Song Composer Petr Janda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Rytíř
Singer Petr Janda
Stupně poražených
Stupně poražených
The Loser’s Rostrum
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 22 April 1987
technical Screenplay approved 24 July 1987
start of filming 16 August 1987
end of filming 20 January 1988
the first film copy approved 5 April 1988
projection approval 6 April 1988
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1991
premiere 1 November 1988 /inaccessible for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
112 min
3 189 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Slovak
without subtitles
Festival: 27. festival českých a slovenských filmů Mladá Boleslav
Mladá Boleslav / Czechoslovakia
Julius Matula
Festival: 27. festival českých a slovenských filmů Mladá Boleslav
Mladá Boleslav / Czechoslovakia
Milan Ležák
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