Jiří Suchý’s decade-long association with Prague’s Semafor theatre is celebrated via two feature films that utilise the character of cabaret performer Jonáš. The actor, singer and writer started out in this stage role paired with musician Jiří Šlitr. But after the death of his stage partner, Suchý found a new partner by way of Jitka Molavcová, with whom he devised the character of the love-struck cleaning lady Žofie Melicharová. She too serves as protagonist in this loose 1988 musical sketch sequel to Jonáš a Melicharová (Jonáš and Melicharová, 1986). Director Vladimír Sís again takes the helm, in a story filled with musical numbers and the comedic escapades of its two main characters. While looking for a present for the cleaning lady, Jonáš is struck down with flu. His illness-induced hallucinations see the real Melicharová battling with the perfect woman in the form of Olivie (Mahulena Bočanová). The story allows the performers to offer up many classic Semafor songs.
The retired cabaret artist is strolling in the Old Town in Prague and searching for a present for his cleaning lady Melicharová, who has birthday. Eventually, he finds an old TV in the junkyard and he drags it home in the rain. Melicharová looks gratefully at the TV set, although she cannot see anything on the screen. Jonáš gets sick from the chill and in feverish dreams his wishes come true. He is running on the meadow with the beautiful film star, Olivia. The omnipresent Melicharová is shepherding a cow near by. Jonáš writes a poem which is received vividly in the agency. He gets a role of a street sweeper and he is supposed to sweep poops after a goat which is walked by Melicharová. The goat becomes a cow, then an elephant and eventually Jonáš faints. He wakes up, but shortly after he falls asleep again. This time he is singing a duet with Olivia. She cannot sing, so Melicharová is singing instead of her. After some further songs, Jonáš and Melicharová are hitchhiking, but the only vehicle which stops is a double-bike on which they bike all the way to London. The cabaret man wins earrings in the lottery and he gives them to Olivia. After he wakes up, he gets another dream. He is singing with Melicharová in the yard. Melicharová has a singing and dancing number in the bar in Honolulu. In the narrow aisles of the working quarter Jonáš stabs a girl while singing. A bad smell wakes him up. Melicharová burnt the teapot. In the following dream, Jonáš gives to Melicharová the promised earrings (even with ears). Olivia is waving them and they are both walking in the beautiful summer afternoon on the race course, Melicharová in the flower hat, Jonáš dressed in a festive suite.
Jonáš, kabaretiér v. v.
uklízečka Žofie Melicharová
filmová hvězda Olivie
prodavačka losů
bílá dívka
křehká baletka
černá dívka – položena Božena
tvrdý hoch/kožená bunda
tvrdý hoch/kožená bunda
tvrdý hoch
muž s vlčími máky
miss gymnázium
hubený klavírista
muž v námořnickém
on sám, hudebník
Jiří Žák, Miroslav Buberle, Ivo Černý, Vladimír Ježek, Michal Paul, Ladislav Winkelhöfer
Luboš Kozák
Ivana Mrázová (klapka), Roman Vácha (fotograf)
Johann Strauss ml. (Na krásném modrém Dunaji)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Ferdinand Havlík), Orchestr Ferdinanda Havlíka (Music Conducted by Ferdinand Havlík)
Erna Březinová
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jitka Molavcová
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří SuchýJitka MolavcováMahulena Bočanová [dab]
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří SuchýJitka Molavcová
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jitka MolavcováJiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jitka Molavcová
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchýsbor divadla Semafor
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří SuchýJitka Molavcová
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Věra Křesadlová
Song Composer Jiří Suchý
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Věra Křesadlová
Song Composer Jiří Suchý
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer sbor divadla Semafor
Song Composer Jiří Suchý
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Suchý
Song Composer Jiří Suchý
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří SuchýJitka Molavcová
Song Composer Jiří Suchý
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jitka MolavcováJiří Suchý
Song Composer Ferdinand Havlík
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří SuchýJitka Molavcová
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Jonáš II aneb Jak je důležité míti Melicharovou
Jonáš II aneb Jak je důležité míti Melicharovou
Jonas 39,5 C
Jonáš, aneb jak je důležité míti Melicharovou / Jonáš a Melicharová: Zlá noc / Jonáš 2
featuretheatrical distribution
music, comedy, revue
literary Screenplay approved 2 March 1988
technical Screenplay approved 9 March 1988
start of filming 21 March 1988
end of filming 6 May 1988
the first film copy approved 21 December 1988
projection approval 29 December 1988
withdrawal from distribution 31 May 1993
premiere 1 June 1989 /suitable for youths/
2. tvůrčí skupina, Josef Císař (vedoucí 2. tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
74 min
2 126 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 11. festival české a slovenské veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Jiří Suchý
Festival: 11. festival české a slovenské veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Jitka Molavcová
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