With their parents too busy to notice, a lack of adult guidance and oversight allows a group of young adolescents to inflict their malignant worst on a city housing estate. The group’s frequent bouts of moodiness and aggression are stirred up by heavy metal music from the band Vitacit… In 1988, director Radovan Urban and screenwriter Miloš Cajthaml attempted to draw attention to issues faced by youths left to their own devices in the massed suburban blocks of social housing outside Czech cities (Prague’s Jižní Město in particular). The story’s protagonist, ninth-grader Honza Kovář, falls in with a gang of misfits and vandals who also rob local children and pensioners. Honza’s naivety eventually costs him dear, including his girlfriend Lucka… The film, leaving something to be desired in terms of authenticity, starred Petr Bok (Honza) and Lucie Benešová (Lucka). Heavy metal fans may also enjoy the performances of singer Lucie Bílá and the band Vitacit.
Honza Kovář, a pupil in the last year of primary school, was badly injured by a reckless car driver and was under medical treatment for a year. He missed school and now, being 16 years old, he is the oldest member of the class. He is dating with his schoolmate Lucka a bit, the only child of a TV reporter and a very busy father. They live in the largest Prague suburb, called Jižní Město (Southern Town). People feel lost in the greyness of the blocs of houses. Some youngsters took a liking to heavy metal music and go to concerts of the Czech heavy metal group, Vitacit. After a minor incident with the group leader, Věra, Honza stops helping as a volunteer for events for children. He mingles with a bunch of boys led by the reckless and egoistic Ondra. Their activities are strange. They rob smaller children of money for shopping and they even victimise pensioners. They laugh at Honza and because of it, he stops helping a handicapped girl he knows from the hospital. The bunch has a vague plan to set up a music group, but they just continue fighting and vandalism. After a provocation at a concert they are even thrown out. Ondra invites the bunch, including Honza and Lucka, to his parents' villa, as they are never home. They are all drunk and Radek lures Lucka away. Honza is playing a computer game and does not sense that the scared girl will be raped by Radek and then by Ondra and Petr. When Honza tries to protect her, he gets a blow that knocks him out. The shocked girl and unconscious Honza are dragged by the bunch to the street, where they leave them next to a broken phone box. They are first helped by a young couple – metal fans. At the intensive care unit, Honza's father watches with a relief as his son opens his eyes. Lucka's parents are arguing desperately over their guilt.
Honza Kovář
kuchařka Kovářová, Honzova matka
soustružník Kovář, Honzův otec
Mirek, Honzův bratr
Lucka Adamová, Honzova spolužačka
televizní reportérka Adamová, Lucčina matka
Adam, otec Lucky
David Šmíd, Mirkův spolužák
Šmíd, Davidův otec
Radek, člen party na Jižním Městě
Ondra, člen party na Jižním Městě
Tomáš, člen party na Jižním Městě
Petr, člen party na Jižním Městě
Jarka, Honzova kamarádka z nemocnice
pionýrská skupinová vedoucí Věra
heavymetalová matka batolete
heavymetalový mladík František
heavymetalová dívka Anděla
ona sama, zpěvačka
Monika Chlupáčková, Mirkova kamarádka
Chlupáčková, matka Moniky
lékařka MUDr. Sovová
redaktor Heine
ona sama, hlasatelka
docent Závora
přepadená důchodkyně
učitelka Jansová
ředitelka školy
důchodce s holí
školník Hažinský
nadporučík VB
malý metalista
otec kluka se šlapacím autem
učitelka Hornofová
mladý muž
řidič Landa
Ondrova babička
Jan Hodný, Karel Kočí, František Struska
Jan Peterka, Lev Veltrubský
Eduard Zanner
MUDr. Helena Budlovská, Josef Novotný
Jana Paparčíková (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)
Martin Kratochvíl, skupina Vitacit
Song Composer Martin Kratochvíl
Writer of Lyrics Josef Novotný
Singer skupina Vitacit
Song Composer Miloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Josef Novotný
Singer skupina Vitacit
Song Composer Luděk AdámekMiloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Miloš Doležal
Singer skupina Vitacit
Song Composer Luděk AdámekMiloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Josef Novotný
Singer Lucie Bíláskupina Vitacit
Song Composer Miloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Josef Novotný
Singer skupina Vitacit
Song Composer Miloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMiloš Doležal
Singer skupina Vitacit
Song Composer Miloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Josef NovotnýMiloš Doležal
Singer skupina VitacitLucie Bílá
Song Composer Miloš Doležal
Writer of Lyrics Josef Novotný
Singer skupina VitacitLucie Bílá
Song Composer Petr Janda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk Rytíř
Singer Petr Janda
Song Composer tradicionálMichal Ambrož /úprava/
Writer of Lyrics Michal Ambrož
Singer Roman FišerJiří PetrMatyáš HavrdaVáclav Svoboda (4)
Song Composer Jiří Hradec
Writer of Lyrics Petra Černocká
Singer Lucie Bílá
Horká kaše
Horká kaše
A Hot Problem
Jak se kreslí nula
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 17 June 1987
technical Screenplay approved 20 October 1987
start of filming 16 November 1987
end of filming 27 January 1988
the first film copy approved 1 June 1988
projection approval 3 June 1988
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
premiere 1 January 1989 /inaccessible for youths/
4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Marcela Pittermannová (vedoucí 4. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
83 min
2 367 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
without subtitles
Festival: 1. mezinárodní festival filmů a televizních pořadů pro děti a mládež Naberežnyje Čelny
Naberežnyje Čelny / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Festival: 27. festival českých a slovenských filmů Mladá Boleslav
Mladá Boleslav / Czechoslovakia
Radovan Urban
Festival: 27. festival českých a slovenských filmů Mladá Boleslav
Mladá Boleslav / Czechoslovakia
Miloš Cajthaml
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