Five years after the popular success of the erotic period comedy Anděl s ďáblem v těle (Angel Devil, 1983), director Václav Matějka made a sequel, whose story takes place just one year after the events of the first instalment. The 1930s have just begun and the upscale Riviéra brothel is prospering under its new owner, Renáta. The former boss, Gábi, known as Madam, has been relegated to the post of a mere manager and she decides to concoct a sophisticated revenge. Her main instrument in this venture is the charming womanising swindler Voženílek, who seduces the self-confident Renáta, thereby compromising her in the eyes of her rich, jealous husband. Madam, however, does not count on the fact that Voženílek is pursuing his own agenda and that not even murder will stand in his way… Thanks to its crime-based plot, Anděl svádí ďábla (Angel Seduces Devil) moves away from light entertainment toward a rather more “serious” spectacle anchored in the milieu of the 1930s. Despite this, however, it primarily offers an attractive diversion calculated to meet the basic needs of the widest possible audience. The no-holds-barred battle for power between two attractive women is set against the backdrop of the First Czechoslovak Republic using period details in a fashionable retro style. Once again there is no lack of musical numbers with a popular cast headed by Zdena Studénková (Renáta) and Božidara Turzonovová (Gábi). Josef Nedorost successfully complements his Slovak peers in the role of the professional seducer as does Dagmar Veškrnová as the salacious prostitute, Truda. This time, the story is based on the idea of “the end of the good old days,” in which Renáta’s ruthless predatory “her or me” approach wins out over an erstwhile semi-legal hedonism. The film’s finale lays the groundwork for another planned sequel, but this was never made.
The clientele of an exclusive night club in the château Riviera are businessmen, financial jet-setters and members of government, alongside various dubious types. The dancer and singer Artur presents the new stars of the programme. The previous Riviera owner nicknamed Madam - now solely a director of the place - must regularly report to her former employee Renáta, for whom the club was bought by her husband, the banker Justic. Renáta, once known as Angel, renovates the Riviera and the girls must undergo professional training. The Madam has a new lover, the charming engineer Roth. She wants take revenge on the hated Renáta, and asks chief constable Halík to give her a tip for an apt marriage impostor who would compromise Angel before her jealous husband Justic. She also recognizes Roth as Jaroslav Voenílek - the nephew of the former Riviera accountant Douová. She forgives him his deceit and arranges his meeting with Renáta in the role of Baron André Slawický. Renáta soon yields to the seduction, having no idea that she is being photographed by a police agent as she makes love to André. The photos are delivered to Justic - which means divorce. Jaroslav fulfilled his task, but the Madam deducts the expenses of the undertaking from the promised reward, which results in a quarrel. The Madam wants to rent Riviera back from Justic, but the place has already been purchased by Douová who fires her. Renáta once again becomes a dancer - the Salvation Angel for guests who lose at roulette. Voenílek revenges himself on the Madam by murdering her and staging everything as a suicide. The Riviera is bustling again. When the party is at its height, Halík brings over Zoulová, a former victim of the trickster Voenílek, and arrests him after a successful identification.
Free sequel of the film Angel Devil (1983). Studio backdrops created by architect Labský in Hostivař were subsequently used for filming the TV series Circus Humberto.
Gábi Stolařová alias Madame
Voice by Jarmila Švehlová
Renáta Justicová, rozená Vaňková, majitelka šantánu
sňatkový podvodník Jaroslav Voženílek alias Ing. Roth
policejní ředitel Fürst
ministr obchodu Boura
tanečník a zpěvák v šantánu Artur
poslanec Juraj Ďuranský
Němka Truda
Miss Oruka Anjuka Eghu
Iva Eckertová
Ida, sestra Ivy
cikánka Carmen
Voice by Simona Stašová
rajda Oldřiška Kubelíková, žena z Marsu
sekční šéf dr. Šulc
vrhač nožů Ricardo
policejní inspektor a portýr Bulis
vrchní strážmistr Halík
bankéř Jiří Justic, muž Renáty
Věra, partnerka vrhače nožů Ricarda
bankéř z Paříže Hazard
Jeannette, Hazardova dcera
Bína, host šantánu
sexuolog docent Pinc
státní úředník, host šantánu
hrabě von Riesenkopf
Voice by Jorga Kotrbová
Marie Doušová, Voženílkova teta
dentistka Eva Zoulová
fotograf Otto
číšník v ministerské zahradě
tlumočník Pexider
zpěvák swingového orchestru
trpaslík ze šantánu
notář Janouch, host v šantánu
sekretářka Kateřina
vrchní číšník v baru
pokojský Máca
komorník Emanuel
Vácha, host v šantánu
podnikatel, hráč rulety
lesbička v šantánu
lesbička v šantánu
taxikář Slípka
číšnice v luxusním baru
číšnice v luxusním baru
barmanka v šantánu
burzovní tajemník
lesní správce Lachout
PhDr. Málek
státní úředník
sluha v herně
profesor Zachystal
číšník na ministerstvu zahraničí
ředitel luxusního baru
vrchní číšník v šantánu
vrchní číšník v šantánu
vrchní číšník v šantánu
barman v herně
vrchní číšník v Ambassadoru
pikolík v luxusním baru
pikolík v Ambassadoru
číšnice v luxusním baru
klavírista v šantánu
muzikant u Justiců
muzikant u Justiců
muzikant u Justiců/muzikant v šantánu
muzikant u Justiců
muzikant u Justiců/muzikant v šantánu
muzikant u Justiců/muzikant v šantánu
muzikant u Justiců/muzikant v Ambassadoru
muzikant u Justiců
muzikant ve varieté
muzikant ve varieté
muzikant ve varieté
muzikant ve varieté
muzikant ve varieté
muzikant ve varieté
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě/muzikant v luxusním baru
muzikant v ministerské zahradě
muzikant v ministerské zahradě/muzikant v luxusním baru
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v šantánu
muzikant v luxusním baru
muzikant v luxusním baru
muzikant v luxusním baru
muzikant v Ambassadoru
muzikant v Ambassadoru
muzikant v Ambassadoru
Petr Hartl, Jan Menšík, René Slauka
Rudolf Beneš, Josef Dvořák, Bedřich Čermák, Jaroslav Lehman
Jana Dolejší, Libuše Beranová, Jaroslav Šámal, Blanka Haltufová, Marie Hrdličková
Martina Krýslová, Jan Peterka
Zdena Junková, Miloslav Doležal, Emil Sirotek ml.
Michaela Kopřivová (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf), Eva Casadová, Jaroslav Jabůrek, Michal Neruda, Mikuláš Roller
FISYO (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Kateřina Prosová, Renata Schmiedtmajerová, Bronislava Kaloudová, Ernest Valko, Petr Veleta, Marcela Macáková, Naděžda Izakovičová, Naděžda Urbánková, Petr Jirsa, Pravoslava Buřvalová
Song Composer Jiří F. Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Zdeněk RytířDrahoslav Makovička
Singer Pavel BartoňJiří KornLída NopováDagmar PatrasováJana PaulováDagmar Veškrnová-HavlováJitka Vrbová
Singer Marián Labuda
Anděl svádí ďábla
Anděl svádí ďábla
Angel Seduces Devil
K čertu s andělem
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 16 January 1987
technical Screenplay approved 19 February 1987
start of filming 14 April 1987
end of filming 13 July 1987
the first film copy approved 4 November 1987
projection approval 25 January 1988
withdrawal from distribution 31 May 1993
premiere 1 November 1988 /inaccessible for youths/
1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Jiří Blažek (vedoucí 1. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
99 min
2 855 meters
16mm, 35mm
1:1,66, 1:2,35
without subtitles
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