Sun, Hay and Slaps





Production year



1 July 1989


128 min




comedy, screwball comedy


featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Slunce, seno a pár facek

Czech title

Slunce, seno a pár facek

English title

Sun, Hay and Slaps


Following the village comedy Slunce, seno, jahody (Sun, Hay and Strawberries, 1983) Zdeněk Troška went on to make the romantic drama Poklad hraběte Chamaré (The Treasure of Count Chamaré, 1984) and the fairytale O princezně Jasněnce a létajícím ševci (Princess Brightness and the Flying Shoemaker, 1987). Troška then returned to the Southern Bohemian village of Hoštice to make a sequel to his highly successful pastoral comedy. Slunce, seno a pár facek (Sun, Hay and Slaps, 1989) loosely continues with the story of its forerunner. The trilogy was completed with Slunce, seno, erotika (Sun, Hay and Erotic, 1991) but it was the second film in the sequence that elevated its creator into the select club of filmmakers who have satisfied the expectations of a mass audience. The plot, once again created by Troška and screenwriter Petr Markov, revolves around the wedding of Blažena Škopková, pregnant (since the first part of the series, i.e. six years ago in the viewer’s time) by her boyfriend Venca Konopník. However, Venca is falsely accused of also having fathered the child of flirtatious engineer Tejfarová. The wedding is called off and the families of the intended couple waste no time in bad-mouthing and denigrating each other. Not even a last-minute reconciliation between the two families can prevent the final all-out melee… Director Troška once again provided his audience with light, holiday entertainment in which greater room was given to the most popular characters from the earlier film, above all mother Škopková, unforgettably delivered by Helena Růžičková. Also enjoying their revived roles were Stanislav Tříska as Mrs Škopková’s husband, Veronika Kánská as their daughter, and Valerie Kaplanová as the grandmother. New characters in this sequel include Ms Tejfarová, played by Kateřina Lojdová and Dr Kroupa (Josef Stárek), who is ensnared by Mrs Škopková as a prospective replacement spouse for her daughter… The later films of Troška were known for their somewhat predictable casts with the director repeatedly employing tried and tested actors to satisfy popular demand. This makes the appearances of Jiřina Jirásková (civilised school director Ms Hubičková) and Jiří Lábus (animal husbandry specialist Béďa) in Sun, Hay and Slaps all the more surprising. In 1989, Troška had not yet sealed his reputation as a populist filmmaker ruining his audience’s tastes.


Blažena Škopková, an inhabitant of the South-Bohemian village of Hoštice, distributes her wedding notice. The old women malign that she is pregnant. In the Škopkas backyard, the resolute Mařenka fights with her old mother who is confined to a bed on wheels. An attractive woman engineer Gábina Tejfarová – once a local driving school instructor attended by all the village youngsters – returns to the village. In a pub, she shows a photo, of her daughter whose reported father is the animal caretaker Béďa, to the waitress Miluna. But Béďa is just about to marry the accountant Evička. As soon as Gábina leaves, he falsely accuses Venca Konopník, Blaženka's groom, of the paternity. The news then spread around the village with lightning speed and certainly does not bypass the Škopeks'. Mrs Škopková immediately calls off her daughter's wedding to Venca and tries to find a new groom for her. Brawls and willfulness break out between the Konopníks and the Škopkas. But Blažena and Venca reconcile after several days filled with hectic events and they finally marry in the town with the help of the fat Josef and the operator Václavka. Mother Škopková has meanwhile found a spare groom – the elderly doctor Kroupa. The Škopkas prepare a grandiose wedding but, right in front of the town hall, its participants are told that Blažena and Venca have already married. The tense situation is moreover inflamed by the arriving TV reporters and a director of the regional agricultural administration, Mr Plánička, and his wife. Gábina also appears and confirms that Béďa is the father of her child. The ensuing fight of everybody with everybody is secretly left by the newlyweds as well as the operator Václavka, while the latter woman takes Doctor Kroupa away with her.


The film Sun, Hay and Slaps is a free sequel of Troška´s film Sun, Hay, Strawberries (1983), freely follows film Sun, Hay, Erotic (1991).


Helena Růžičková

ošetřovatelka Mařenka Škopková

Stanislav Tříska

Vladimír Škopek, Mařenčin muž

Veronika Kánská

Blažena, dcera Škopkových

Martin Šotola

Jirka, syn Škopkových

Valerie Kaplanová

babička Škopkových, Mařenčina matka

Marie Švecová

drbna Mařenka Kelišová zvaná Keliška/anděl

Marie Pilátová

ošetřovatelka Vlasta Konopníková zvaná Konopnice

Václav Troška

Konopník, Vlastin muž

Bronislav Černý

instalatér Venca Konopník, Blaženin nastávající

Jaroslava Kretschmerová

účetní JZD Eva Pilátová zvaná Evík

Petra Pyšová

servírka Miloslava Ratajová zvaná Miluna

Jiří Lábus

živočichář Béďa

Josef Stárek

doktor MUDr. Kája Kroupa

Kateřina Lojdová

Ing. Gábina Tejfarová, instruktorka autoškoly

Jiří Růžička

tlustý Josef

Luděk Kopřiva

farář Otík/archanděl Michael

Vlastimila Vlková

Cecilka, farářova hospodyně/anděl

Jiřina Jirásková

řídící Václavka Hubičková

Miroslav Zounar

Pepa Rádl, předseda JZD

Pavel Vondruška

tajemník Mošna

Jiří Janda

hospodský Jaroušek

Vlasta Mészárosová

průvodčí Helenka

Hana Večeřová

teta Růža

Gaston Šubert

strýc Olda

Miloslav Pikolon

bratranec Eda

František Stupka

strýc Vlastík

Miluška Vondráčková

místní drbna

Karel Bělohradský


Jiřina Jelenská

Rádlová, předsedova žena

Františka Bártová

místní drbna/anděl

Anna Pourová

místní drbna/anděl

Irena Kozová

místní drbna/anděl

Olga Schmidtová

místní drbna/anděl

František Kůstka

opilý soused

Zdeněk Záhorka

opilý soused

Marie Tomsová

televizní reportérka

Vladimír Duben

televizní kameraman

Petr Brodský

televizní režisér

Pavlína Volrábová

televizní klapka

Vladimír T. Gottwald

poustevník ve filmu

Oleg Reif

Plánička, ředitel krajské zemědělské správy

Dagmar Blažková

Dášenka, Pláničkova druhá žena

Milan Wolf

kameraman na svatbě

Vít Zahradil

televizní asistent

Tomáš Červenka

televizní kameraman

Růžena Trošková

Kroupová, doktorova matka

Miroslava Králová

zjevení ve filmu

Hanka Kurýlová

Bernadetta ve filmu

Pavel Šedivý

císař ve filmu

Vojtěch Pavlíček

sv. Sebastian ve filmu

David Voverka

lukostřelec ve filmu

Jan Novák (3)

Pavel Prchal

Vláďa Prchal

Václav Zábranský

Alena Bošková

obyvatelé obce Hoštice u Volyně


Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

René Slauka

Assistant Director

Oldřich Vlasák, Ivana Adamovská

Shooting Script

Zdeněk Troška


Martin Mahdal

Director of Photography

Josef Hanuš

Second Unit Photography

Jiří Maxa

Camera Operator

Jiří Zavřel

Production Designer

Miloš Červinka

Assistent Production Designer

Zdeněk Maur

Costume Designer

Marie Franková

Film Editor

Eva Bobková

Assistant Film Editor

Magda Hájková, Helena Lehovcová

Sound Designer

Antonín Kravka

Production Manager

Blažej Vráb

Unit Production Manager

Rudolf Mos, Evelyna Vrbová

Unit Production Manager

Václav Šeda, Miloš Ptáček, Přemysl Čermák, Petr Jahn


Music Composed by

Karel Vágner

Selected Music

Bedřich Smetana (Prodaná nevěsta /Věrné naše milování/), Bedřich Smetana (Prodaná nevěsta /Proč bychom se netěšili/), Antonín Dvořák (Rusalka /Květiny bílé po cestě/), Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle (La Marseillaise), Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Svatební pochod)

Music Performed by

Orchestr Karla Vágnera (Music Conducted by Karel Vágner)


Život je rváč

Song Composer Karel Vágner
Writer of Lyrics Petr Markov
Singer Stanislav Hložek

Hlaď mě

Song Composer Karel Vágner
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Žák
Singer Michal Penk

Věrné naše milování

Song Composer Bedřich Smetana
Writer of Lyrics Karel Sabina
Singer Jiřina Jirásková

Ej, od Buchlova

Song Composer lidová píseň
Singer Jiřina Jirásková

La Marseillaise

Song Composer Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle
Writer of Lyrics Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle
Singer Jiřina Jirásková

Proč bychom se netěšili

Song Composer Bedřich Smetana
Writer of Lyrics Karel Sabina
Singer sbor


Song Composer Miloslav Ducháč
Writer of Lyrics Vladimír Dvořák
Singer Jaroslava Kretschmerová

La Paloma

Song Composer Sebastian de Yradier

Production info

Original Title

Slunce, seno a pár facek

Czech Title

Slunce, seno a pár facek

English Title

Sun, Hay and Slaps




featuretheatrical distribution


comedy, screwball comedy

Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

start of filming 12 July 1988
end of filming 1 September 1988
the first film copy approved 10 February 1989
projection approval 8 March 1989
withdrawal from distribution 1 October 1993


premiere 1 July 1989 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

6. tvůrčí skupina, Jan Vild (vedoucí 6. tvůrčí skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

128 min

Original length in metres

3 605 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages

Czech, Italian

Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Event: Anketa Týdeníku Televize, TV Plus a České televize – Hrdina filmového úsměvu tisíciletí (nejoblíbenější postava české filmové veselohry)

Praha / Czech Republic
Helena Růžičková


Festival: 11. festival české a slovenské veselohry Nové Město nad Metují

Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Zdeněk Troška

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