Karel Smyczek's unrightfully forgotten film shares the fate of those projects that were realized before the Velvet Revolution but reached the audience only after November 1989. At the time of its creation, the comedy The Sick White Elephant was a bold piece, but after the fall of communism, it faded into obscurity as a work that criticized the former regime only from a cautious distance. The protagonists of the allegorical narrative are a married couple who decide to start a new life after their adult daughter leaves home. Marie would like to move out of Prague, but Konrád (Oldřich Navrátil) is dedicated to follow the example of men suffering from midlife crises and starts to go jogging regularly. Moreover, he accepts the position of director of a cultural house that has not even been built yet. Due to different opinions of various interested parties, all Konrád's efforts fail. The house – like the sick white elephant – is not capable of existence.
The young, married and pregnant Klára is just leaving the Prague flat of her parents, Mr and Mrs Outlík. Konrád and Marie Outlíková are ready to begin a new life. He is finally going to start jogging and she is going to exchange the flat, move out of Prague and stay with her daughter and her partner. Konrád's employer, the Culture Research Institution, is planning a reorganization, and Konrád thus agrees to become the director of a new community centre somewhere in the suburbs. He catches flu but refuses to stay in bed, even though he knows that the planned community centre is still in the stage of construction. Despite his fever, he sets up a provisional office on the construction site. He soon finds out that the realization of the house totally diverges from the approved plans. Its architect presents him with a model of the final building and explains how many changes were ordered by the investor. People interested in renting space in the new building queue to visit Konrád. The local citizens' committee resolutely requires a laundry, mangle, creamery and agitational centre in the complex. Konrád throws them out and is severely reproached by his superior Vrínek who had already promised the spaces to the firemen. Konrád tries in vain to protect cultural concerns. His former institute meanwile has undergone a glorious reorganization and it seems that the people there simply rotated their positions. The doctor wants Konrád to recover from his fever and stay in bed, but the man refuses although the rain literally falls on his head in his office. The public health officers have objections about the inadequate sanitary facilities but no one wants to sign Konrád's application asking to extend them. The site manager eventually calls the unfinished community centre the "sick white elephant" which is unable to survive. Marie leaves Prague to see her newborn granddaughter. The labour safety committee, invited over by Konrád, arrives at the only possible conclusion - to tear the construction down and build a new one. Vrínek blames Konrád Outlík; he reportedly has not succeeded in coping with the assigned job. Outlík is eventually not approved to assume the position. In a feverish vision, the jogging Konrád Outlík is followed by his colleagues and superiors. Marie and the young couple with the baby return to Prague because the other place is unbearable. Konrád sets off jogging again. He is, alas, chased by a pack of dogs in the park.
The sculptures of children displayed in the studio were created by Marie Uchytilová (1924–1989). They were meant as a tribute to the eighty two children from the village of Lidice who were murdered during the Second World War. The artist worked on them from 1969 until her death, but only in the form of plaster models. Due to the lack of funding and the authorities´ ignorance, the sculptures were cast in bronze one by one thanks to donations only as late as between 1995 and 2000, i. e. long after the artist´s death. The group sculpture was, however, eventually installed in Lidice.
Konrád Outlík, ředitel kulturního domu
místopředseda OV pro kulturu Vršínek
Outlíkova žena Marie
inspektorka kultury Vladana Říhová
Oldřich, ředitel obvodních kulturních domů
Karel, náměstek ředitele
tajemník OV
vedoucí odboru Olejníková
architekt Kemr
sochař Suchánek
vedoucí Restaurací a jídelen Kocan
hostinský Ruda zvaný Egypťan
Vršínkova sekretářka
sekretářka ÚVK Kristýna
stavbyvedoucí Machata
členka občanského výboru číslo 37
člen občanského výboru číslo 37
inspektor bezpečnosti práce
Klára, dcera Outlíkových
Adam, Klářin muž
zdravotní sestra
kontrolor nemocných
akademik, ředitel Ústavu pro výzkum kultury
zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
Vambera, zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnankyně ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
Vávrová, zaměstnankyně ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnankyně ÚVK
Haas, zaměstnanec ÚVK
Fastová, zaměstnankyně ÚVK
Toníček, zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
zaměstnanec ÚVK
lesní inspektor Doutnáč
zaměstnankyně OV
Vršínkův služební řidič
Ďuro, šéf stavební party
Renata Čihulková, Jarmila Čajová
Konstantin Galas, Marie Uchytilová
Ivan Břešťák, Jaroslav Česal, Petr Průša, Marek Šíma
Václav Vondráček, Jitka Zvirocká (zvukové efekty)
Petr Kellner, Ladislava Kašáková
Zdeněk Mihle (vrchní osvětlovač), Jitka Bylinská (fotografka)
Studiová skupina Michala Pavlíčka (Music Conducted by Michal Pavlíček)
Song Composer Michal Pavlíček
Singer Michael KocábStudiová skupina Michala Pavlíčka
Nemocný bílý slon
Nemocný bílý slon
The Sick White Elephant
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 21 March 1989
end of filming 26 May 1989
the first film copy approved 12 September 1989
projection approval 15 September 1989
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1992
premiere 1 March 1990 /suitable for youths/
5. tvůrčí skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
98 min
2 752 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 12. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Novoměstský hrnec smíchu Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Miloslav Štibich
Festival: 12. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Novoměstský hrnec smíchu Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Mirko Halm
Festival: 12. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Novoměstský hrnec smíchu Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Karel Smyczek
Festival: 12. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Novoměstský hrnec smíchu Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Ivan Bednář
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