Twelve Bars for Guitar





Production year



1 March 1990


80 min






featuretheatrical distributionlong

Original title

Království za kytaru

Czech title

Království za kytaru

English title

Twelve Bars for Guitar


A number of Czechoslovak films present adolescent characters enamoured with the world of rock music. However, given the turbulent events of 1989, this contemporary tale from director Drahomíra Králová largely passed audiences by. The hero of this story is 16-year-old Hynek Engel, who wants to purchase his friend’s guitar so he can begin performing in a new band. He sets about trying to acquire the necessary 10,000 crowns via various schemes. Ten-year-old sister Adélka helps out by tap dancing in several pubs. But ultimately, the determined rocker is destined for disappointment – although the journey surprisingly brings Hynek closer to his father. The strong points of this sensitively made teenage comedy include realistic dialogue and convincing performances from lesser-known actors. These include Martin Kukla (Hynek), who would also later appear in the Věra Plívová-Šimková drama Houpačka (The Hammock, 1990). Magdaléna Učíková turns in a terrific performance as little Adélka, demonstrating a natural talent for comedy. This children’s film, which also documents the contemporary usage of the IQ 151 computer in schools, features an appearance from pop group Visací zámek (Hanging Lock).


The student Hynek Engel plays in a rock group on borrowed electric guitar, and he has a great success. After the concert he learns unpleasant news. The group falls apart and he has to return the guitar. He knows that without a decent instrument he cannot join any other group. A friend of his school mate Felix has a guitar for sale, but he wants for it ten thousand crowns within two months. Therefore Hynek starts hectically gathering money. He puts in the second hand store his old guitar, he is bargaining with his parents to give him money for Christmas. His parents disagree, and after all they could not give him so much anyway. The savings of his ten year old sister Adélka are neither enough. The siblings don't give in. Hynek works as a sweeper, he sells newspapers, and he plays in a folk band in a pub. When he tries to profiteer with ice hockey tickets he looses all. Adélka is doing better. She is singing in old clothes, playing an old guitar and tap-dancing in pubs. In the end she is arrested by police. Hynek and Adélka experience even more pleasant and unpleasant events, but finally they have almost five thousand crowns. They decide to pay an advance for the dreamed off guitar. However the owner disappoints them, he sold the guitar already. Hynek fights with him. For the saved up money he buys on the way home as a Christmas present expensive ski for his father, who has wished it for a long time. They are both convinced that Hynek will buy one day a quality guitar.


Martin Kukla

student Hynek Engel

Magdaléna Učíková

Adélka, Hynkova sestra

Lenka Termerová

maminka Engelová

Oldřich Vízner

tatínek Olda Engel

Monika Herbichová

Petra Spáčilová, Hynkova spolužačka

Martin France

Felix, Hynkův zámožný spolužák

Martin Učík

třídní profesor Marek

Magdalena Platzová

Vlaďka, prodavačka v bazaru

Tomáš Juřička

strážmistr VB

Marian Cingroš

Voice by Rudolf Pellar
starý harmonikář Bouše

Lubomír Bryg

vedoucí estrádní skupiny Dušek

Hana Kašparová

stárnoucí zpěvačka Lotka

Jaroslav Kříž

komik Štancl

Jana Smrčková

etnografka v muzeu

Jiří Engermayer

metař Jarda

Bohuslav Maršík

tlustý Němec v bazaru

Jiří Strach

spolužák Igor

Jiří D. Novotný

Alík Kučera, tatínkův spolužák

Rudolf Pellar


Jana Robenková

stará žena

Miloslav Homola

zákazník na pošty

Jana Synková


Miloslav Štibich

vedoucí bazaru

Gaston Šubert

otec na schůzkách/muž v autobusu

Vlasta Škampová

dirigentka hudební školy

Eva Čížkovská

číšnice na Syrovandě

Petr Zeman

Voice by Zdeněk Dušek
prodejce kytary Stratocaster

Dušan Konečný

taneční mistr

M. Tlachová

partnerka tanečního mistra

Eva Jílková

starší dáma

Renata Mašková

úřednice na poště

Miloslav Mejzlík

mistr v dílně

Marie Tomsová


Marek Haman


Š. Vojtíšková

slečna od veksláka

Luboš Doksanský


V. Červenka

vysoký kluk

Jan Jirucha


Miroslav Klimeš


Luboš Zajíček


Josef Rejman


Martin Kumžák

hráč na klávesy skupiny Patentní zámek

Petr Venkrbec

saxofonista skupiny Patentní zámek

R. Simon

hráč na bicí skupiny Patentní zámek

M. Staněk

baskytarista skupiny Patentní zámek

Marcel Vlček

bubeník kapely Sklep

Z. Tichota

basový kytarista kapely Sklep

Zdeněk Fišer

kapelník Sklepa

J. Klíma

kluk na stadioně

D. Šedivý

kluk na stadioně

Adolf Seidl

kytarista/dubl za Martina Kuklu – hra na kytaru

J. Mrhal

kluk kytarista

B. Jílková

dívka z tanečních

H. Chvátalová

dívka z tanečních

L. Schwarzenbergerová

Crew and creators

Second Unit Director

Milan Klacek

Assistant Director

Alena Houdková, Magda Vodičková


Marie Šedivá

Director of Photography

Viktor Růžička

Second Unit Photography

Karel Dobřichovský

Camera Operator

Ivan Šimůnek

Assistent Production Designer

Petr Václavek

Set Designer

Ivan Břešťák, Jaroslav Česal, Petr Průša

Costume Designer

Ester Krumbachová

Film Editor

Dalibor Lipský

Sound Designer

Karel Martínek

Production Manager

Petr Čapek

Unit Production Manager

Daniela Jenčíková, Josef Štambach

Unit Production Manager

Milan Maňák


Terezie Čampulková (klapka), Roman Vácha (fotograf)


Music Composed by

Milan Svoboda

Selected Music

Vittorio Monti (Montiho čardáš /Czardas/), Jára Beneš (Růže z Argentiny – opereta ), Bohuslav Martinů (Posvícení)

Music Performed by

Luboš Andršt /kytarové sólo/, Studiová skupina Milana Svobody (Music Conducted by Milan Svoboda), Petr Zeman /kytarové sólo/


Dušan Konečný


Oči černé

Song Composer lidová ruská píseň
Writer of Lyrics Jaroslav Mottl
Singer Marian Cingroš [dab]Rudolf PellarMagdalena Učíková

Praha je krásná

Song Composer Josef Stelibský
Writer of Lyrics Karel MelíšekJaroslav Mottl
Singer Marian Cingroš [dab]Rudolf Pellar

Škoda lásky

Song Composer Jaromír Vejvoda
Writer of Lyrics Václav Zeman
Singer Marian Cingroš [dab]Rudolf PellarEva Čížkovskásbor

Dolores růže bílá

Song Composer Jára Beneš
Writer of Lyrics Karel TobisVáclav ŠpilarVáclav Mírovský
Singer Hana KašparováLubomír Bryg

Květinářka /Ulicí města šel mladý pán/

Song Composer anonym
Singer Magdalena Učíková

Pohádka mládí

Song Composer Karel Vacek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Vacek
Singer Viktorie Knotková


Song Composer Josef Čebiš
Writer of Lyrics František Kaňka
Singer Hana KašparováLubomír Bryg

Bílý kůň

Song Composer anonym
Singer Magdalena Učíková

Production info

Original Title

Království za kytaru

Czech Title

Království za kytaru

English Title

Twelve Bars for Guitar




featuretheatrical distribution



Origin country




Production Year


Production specifications

start of filming 3 January 1989
end of filming 30 March 1989
the first film copy approved 3 August 1989
projection approval 10 October 1989
withdrawal from distribution 30 October 1993


premiere 1 March 1990 /suitable for youths/

Copyright Holders

Státní fond audiovize

Creative Group

4. tvůrčí skupina, Marcela Pittermannová (vedoucí 4. tvůrčí skupiny)

Technical info

Duration typology

feature film

Duration in minutes

80 min

Original length in metres

2 189 meters

Distribution carrier

16mm, 35mm

Aspect ratio






Sound system/format




Dialogue languages


Subtitles languages

without subtitles

Opening/End credits languages




Festival: 4. filmový festival mladých Velké Poříčí u Hronova

Velké Poříčí u Hronova / Czechoslovakia


Festival: 12. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Novoměstský hrnec smíchu Nové Město nad Metují

Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Magdalena Učíková


Festival: 30. festival filmů pro děti Zlín

Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Martin Kukla


Exhibition: 22. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti Ostrov

Ostrov nad Ohří / Czechoslovakia
Magdalena Učíková

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