By making Slunce, seno, jahody (Sun, Hay and Strawberries) in 1983, director Zdeněk Troška launched what would prove to be a highly popular series. The much in demand filmmaker returned to the peculiar residents of the south Bohemian village of Hoštice in 1989 to make the sequel Slunce, seno a pár facek (Sun, Hay and Slaps, 1989), loosely following up on the initial film. Audiences continued to enjoy Troška’s creations even after the revolutionary year of 1989, which turned the country’s cinema industry upside down. Following in the footsteps of the first two films, the third and final film in the series, Slunce, seno, erotika (Sun, Hay and Erotic, 1991), also attracted considerable numbers of viewers. And, after the Sun, Hay... trilogy was concluded, the director’s faithful viewers followed him through his trilogy Kameňák (Bad Joke, 2003-2005) and, above all, his three Babovřesky (Old Hag’s Yells, 2013–2015) films. However, the enduring qualities of the collaboration between Troška and collaborating screenwriter Petr Markov had already been demonstrated by the third, “erotic”, part of the first trilogy. This time around, the film’s creators bid goodbye to the laid-back fictional world of the Czech village and travelled to foreign shores (much like many members of Troška’s audiences following the demise of the country's totalitarian regime). Yet even at an Italian seaside resort, the inhabitants of Hoštice can't help but be their own idiosyncratic selves. Though not enamoured of the local food, they strike up a friendship with some local farmers who invite them to their village. Hoping to secure a lucrative partnership with their Italian counterparts, the villagers quickly create a nudist resort and an open-air museum devoted to the method of musically stimulating greater milk yields from cows: something which was at the core of Sun, Hay and Strawberries. The final question posed by the film, concerning the direction Hoštice, and by analogy the whole country, is taking, meant the title is squarely placed among features that apprehensively ponder the rising waves of “wild capitalism” evident in the early post-communist period of Czechoslovakia... The cast, once again dominated by Helena Růžičková, Stanislav Tříska and Valerie Kaplanová, is joined for the final part of the trilogy by, among others, the village girls’ Italian suitors, played by Martin Dejdar and Oldřich Kaiser.
The inhabitants of the South-Bohemian village of Hoštice set off to spend a holiday in an Italian sea resort. Although the somewhat festive welcome dinner, mainly consisting of seafood, is not their cup of tea, the girls Miluna and Evík are immediately mesmerized by the handsome youngsters named Bernardo and Vincenzo. The girls get the feeling that the two self-assured Italians have some connection with the mafia. The Czech farmers are invited to a clean, glittering and marvelously equipped Italian farm. The two girls find out that this is actually the place where their Italian wooers work. The Hoštice villagers in turn invite the Italian farmers to their village. Right after their return, they start inventing ways to improve both their agricultural cooperative and village and how to surprise the Italians. Their ideas are acquisitive, too – the villagers hope to sign an exclusive contract on collaboration with the Italians. Gábina, the wife of the animal caretaker Béďa, suggests building a nudist beach in the village. The idea appeals to the villagers and everybody except the local priest and his devout sheep begin to realize the plan. They, however, pay less attention to improving the cooperative and the village as such. The arriving Italians surprisingly do not mind the mess. Their head, named Zolli, suggests establishing an museum of the famous method of cows' milk yield music stimulation in Hoštice. Joyful moments arrive in the village and Miluna and Evík are looking forward to the wedding with their Italians. And Škopková, standing in the middle of a soiled backyard, portrays the future paradise on earth where Hoštice and the entire Czech nation are heading.
The film Sun, Hay, Erotic is a free sequel of Troška´s films Sun, Hay, Strawberries (1983) and Sun, Hay and Slaps (1989).
účetní JZD Eva Pilátová zvaná Evík
servírka Miloslava Ratajová zvaná Miluna
italský šéfmechanik Vincenzo Benedetti
italský živočichář Bernardo
ošetřovatelka Mařenka Škopková
Vladimír Škopek, Mařenčin muž
Blažena Konopníková, dcera Škopkových
instalatér Venca Konopník, Blaženin muž
babička Škopkových, Mařenčina matka
Jirka, syn Škopkových
ošetřovatelka Vlasta Konopníková zvaná Konopnice
Konopník, Vlastin muž
farář Otík
Cecilka, farářova hospodyně
drbna Mařenka Kelišová zvaná Keliška
tlustý Josef
doktor MUDr. Kája Kroupa
starosta Mošna
Josef Rádl, předseda JZD
Rádlová, předsedova žena
živočichář Béďa
Ing. Gábina, rozená Tejfarová, Béďova žena
řídící Václavka Hubičková zvaná Vendy
Presidente Zolli
Zolliova žena
profesorka Jaruška, sestra Hubičkové
místní drbna
místní drbna
místní drbna
místní drbna
místní drbna
italská matka Maria
italský ošetřovatel Antonio, Mariin syn
italský ošetřovatel Carlo, Mariin syn
italský ošetřovatel Giuseppe, Mariin syn
architekt Svinutý
teta Růža
sousedka Vachoutová
soused Vachout
italský restauratér Giancarlo
pokojská v italském hotelu/italská číšnice
prodavač v Mnichově
italský číšník
italský číšník
italský číšník
italský číšník
hospodský Jaroušek
soused u řeky
sousedka u řeky
chlapec u řeky
sousedka na schůzi
Oldřich Vlasák
Bohumil Kadlec, Jan Klíma (rekvizitář), Martin Tlamicha (rekvizitář), Milan Šebo (rekvizitář), Milan Šefrna (rekvizitář)
Iva Horáková (vedoucí kostymérka), Renata Ryšavá, Miroslava Sedláčková
Roman Molnár, Miloš Ptáček, Pavel Štěrba, Přemysl Čermák
prof. Marie Kronbergerová
Jaroslav Novák (vrchní osvětlovač), Michal Fairaizl (fotograf), Antonín Kořenek, Miloslava Ratajová, J. Baroch, A. Borl, J. Brychta, K. Čížek, J. Gažda, P. Gutheis, J. Heinzl, T. Hrazdíra, B. Kindl, R. Krátký, J. Kučera, W. Kuhn-Gaber, J. Pecha, A. Roháč, H. Soukup, P. Šafránek, M. Šponar, P. Švec, R. Voborský, J. Vrána, Jednotné zemědělské družstvo Dobrá Voda Hoštice u Volyně
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Te Deum /použito jako znělka Intervize/), Vilém Blodek (V studni)
Song Composer Karel Vágner
Writer of Lyrics Petr Markov
Singer Karel Černochženský sbor
Song Composer Vilém Blodek
Writer of Lyrics Karel Sabina
Singer Jaroslava Hanušová [dab]
Song Composer Karel Vágner
Slunce, seno, erotika
Slunce, seno, erotika
Sun, Hay and Erotic
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, screwball comedy
premiere 1 April 1991 /suitable for youths/
Crazy summer comedy. Erotic growth promotes milking.
Společnost filmových podnikatelů DRUFIP Praha, Nationalfilm Praha, Filmové studio Barrandov (koprodukce)
Tvůrčí skupina Groš, Václav Nývlt (vedoucí tvůrčí skupiny Groš), Oldřich Mach (vedoucí produkce tvůrčí skupiny Groš)
feature film
112 min
Czech, German, Italian
without subtitles
Event: Anketa Týdeníku Televize, TV Plus a České televize – Hrdina filmového úsměvu tisíciletí (nejoblíbenější postava české filmové veselohry)
Praha / Czech Republic
Helena Růžičková
Festival: 5. festival českých a slovenských filmů Finále Plzeň
Plzeň / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 13. festival české a slovenské filmové veselohry Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czechoslovakia
Zdeněk Troška
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