Action comedy. A sequel to the successful film from 1988.
Friends Michal and Tomáš rent a prosperous discothèque, "Brooklyn". The cheater Kadlec is released from prison, where he was sent years ago, thanks to Michal and Tomáš. The attractive Ivana sees an ad and is hired at Brooklyn. Kadlec takes a first action against the young men – Michal is arrested and accused of raping Alice Horáčková. But Michal has never seen her before. Tomáš’s testimony in favour of his friend is not accepted by lieutenant Himl. Therefore, Tomáš has to search on his own. He follows Alice and finds out that this dirty trick is played by Kadlec. Tomáš visits him in the antique shop belonging to his son-in-law, Bureš. But Kadlec even threatens Tomáš. Tomáš cunningly "kidnaps" him, and closes him in a pig shed. After several hours of involuntary imprisonment, Kadlec accepts Tomáš’s demands and Michal is released. Tomáš falls in love with Ivana, but Michal finds out that she is a prostitute in a brothel owned by Bureš. Ivana loves Tomáš as well and she decides to finish with her other lifestyle. In the meantime the Kadlec gang is preparing a big deal connected with speed. But Kadlec does not know that the prospective buyer, the Czech-American, George, is cooperating with Tomáš and Michal. Kadlec loses a big sum of money in this way. Tomáš learns the truth about Ivana and breaks up with her. The desperate Ivana calls to the young men that Kadlec foisted drugs in their establishment. Her warning rescues them. Before the police come, they remove the drugs. The friends catch Kadlec in the antique shop alone and force him to drink a whole bottle of vodka. The blind drunk Kadlec tells the police everything about the drugs and cheating. Tomáš learns about Ivana’s decision and he forgives her.
In the film, the film makers used shots from the previous entitled A Good Pal (1988; directed by Jaroslav Soukup) and from the film Famous Duels (1989; directed by Jaroslav Soukup).
Tomáš Mráz
Michal Sudek
Voice by Ljuba Krbová
Čechoameričan George Verner
Karel Kadlec
starožitník a šíbr Bureš, Kadlecův zeť
kriminalista poručík Himl
feťačka Alice Horáčková
Maruška, Burešova manželka
inženýr Zeman, výrobce drog
Horáčková, matka feťačky Alice
ošklivka v diskotéce
falešný policista
falešný policista
host v diskotéce
muž u baru
Luigi, italský host v bordelu
japonský host v bordelu
Georgův kamarád
policista ve vazbě
mladá žena ve vile
Jan Klíma (vedoucí výpravy), Petr Moucha (rekvizitář), Tomáš Dosoudil (rekvizitář), Vladimír Janošek (rekvizitář), Miroslav Fára (rekvizitář)
Milan Brabec (výkonný producent), Jiří Ulrich ml. (výkonný producent)
Kateřina Jeřábková, Filip Smola, Ivan Vakaráč
Monika Machytková (klapka), Lucie Zaradičková (klapka), Jaroslav Betka (vrchní osvětlovač), Zdeněk Vávra (fotograf), Zdeněk Flemming, Martin Kurel, L. Jirásek, R. Štefan, R. Volke, R. Nikolai, J. Netopil, V. Říha, A. Cukr, K. Plánička, P. Vinčálek, Z. Voldán
Scott Joplin (The Entertainer)
Song Composer Eduard Parma
Writer of Lyrics Leoncie Martin
Singer Indian Princess Leoncie
Song Composer Eduard Parma
Song Composer Eduard ParmaChris Kiely
Song Composer Zdeněk Barták
Song Composer Jo Bogaert
Song Composer Oliver KrekelDirk SchmidtDavid Slick D. Murray
Song Composer Oliver KrekelDavid Slick D. Murray
Song Composer Lamont Dozier
Song Composer Richard M. Hall
Song Composer Oliver KrekelDirk SchmidtDavid Slick D. Murray
Song Composer Manuella KamosiJo Bogaert
Song Composer Patrick de MeyerOliver Abbelos
Song Composer Manuella KamosiJo Bogaert
Song Composer Oliver KrekelDavid Slick D. Murray
Song Composer Ján Baláž
Writer of Lyrics Boris Janíček
Singer Sagvan Tofi
Kamarád do deště II. Příběh z Brooklynu
Kamarád do deště II. Příběh z Brooklynu
A Good Pal II. The Story from Brooklyn
The Friend for Bad Times II. The Story from Brooklyn
featuretheatrical distribution
start of filming 03/1992
premiere 1 October 1992 /suitable for youths/
A thrilling film, starring Lukáš Vaculík and Sagvan Tofi.
feature film
84 min
without subtitles
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