At the end of 18th century a young Englishman arrives with his uncle in Mozartean Prague and enjoys adventures with the vampires...
It is the 18th century in Bohemia. A young Englishman, Richard Bancroft, and his uncle Archibald are on their travels throughout Europe and are introduced to Colonel Degendorf and Count Kronberg, the latter being accompanied by the charming and beautiful Olivia. Richard immediately falls in love with her. They all go to Prague. In Prague, Richard receives an invitation to a masked ball, being held at Kronberg's residence. The guests include the homosexual Roman, a caretaker and her wooer singer Alfieri and also Degendorf who searches for his missing son Kristian there. At the ball, Richard is addressed by Olivia who is not against meeting the young man, being away from Kronberg's supervision. Richard loves the girl dearly even though he finds out that she is a vampire. At night, Richard sets off for an inspection of the palace and witnesses Alfieri pouncing on the woman caretaker and bleeding her white. Degendorf discovers the undecayed body of his son in the grave of a Jewish merchant. He does not want his son to continue in his vampire life, and thus shoots him dead with a sacred bullet. The trio of dauntless men – Degendorf, Archibald and physician Hermann – decide to exterminate the vampires. They break into the palace but try in vain to get to the count's grave. They are locked in a cellar by the valet Fridrich. Richard, who was looking for Olivia in the palace, is jailed in the crypt, too. He, however, manages to escape and also helps the three vampire killers. He himself runs away with Olivia who takes him to the decaying château of her family. The courageous threesome squares up with the vampires in the morning. Richard marries Olivia and the three vampire killers arrive at the chapel to attend the wedding ceremony. Uncle Archibald wishes happiness to the newlywed couple and, smiling, reveals his brand new vampire teeth.
The film is dedicated to the "master of horror" Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu (1814–1873).
Angličan Richard Bancroft z Cornwallu
Voice by Simona Vrbická
upírka hraběnka Olivie
anglický obchodník Archibald Bancroft, Richardův strýc
upír hrabě von Kronberg
doktor Hermann
dělostřelecký plukovník Heinrich von Degendorf
upírka stará baronka
upír operní pěvec Alfieri
sluha Fridrich
homosexuální upír Roman
upír poručík Kristian von Degendorf, syn plukovníka
potulný mnich
hoteliér U Páva
hostinský v zajezdním hostinci
kostnatá upírka
policejní důstojník při exhumaci
kapelník, dirigent a hráč na cembalo Wolfi
Jarmila, děvečka v zájezdním hostinci
hoteliér U Golema
služka v hotelu U Páva
pěvkyně Josefina, dáma na Petříně
rabín při exhumaci
korpulentní dáma na plese
bázlivý kočí
Václav Zajíček, Jiří Pechar (steadicam), Oldřich Eichler (steadicam), Miroslav Vojkůvka (služba u kamery), Radim Štefan (služba u kamery)
Karel Vaňásek (vedoucí výpravy), Michal Kraus, Milan Kvak, Vladimír Kvěch
Ludmila Ondráčková (vedoucí kostymérka), Běla Friedlová, Renata Ryšavá, Kateřina Štěpánová
Agentura FILMKA, Leoš Stránský, Dimo Lipitkovský, Pavel Cajzl, Luděk Jelen, Simona Jáklová, Naďa Chrástová, Jaroslav Peterka
Jaroslav Soukup (výkonný producent JS Film)
Miloslav Doležal, Jaroslav Čipera, Lenka Jandová (ekonomka)
Michaela Antošíková, Pavel Bačkovský (pokladník)
Edita Kušková (klapka), Jaroslav Betka (vrchní osvětlovač), Karel Kouba (fotograf), Martin Hanuš (práce se zvířaty – koně), Equicentrum (práce se zvířaty – koně), Vladimír Altman (barevný odhadce filmových kopií), Bořivoj Bodlák, Miloš Hána, Jiří Holma, JUDr. Jiří Horáček, Josef Kuška, Petr Pek, Jan Rážek, Antonín Reichl, Jaroslav Slavíček, Karel Staněk, Josef Tiller, Petr Trtek, Libor Valenta
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Kouzelná flétna /árie Tamina/), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Don Giovanni /árie Ottavia/), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Menuet F dur), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Divertimento D dur Allegro), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Serenada č. 7 D dur Haffnerova), Joseph Haydn (Menuet trio č. 1 D dur), Joseph Haydn (Menuet Divertimento in C, polonéza), Giuseppe Verdi (Nabucco /sbor židovských otroků/)
Czech symphonic orchestra (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens), Orchestr opery Divadla Josefa Kajetána Tyla v Plzni (Music Conducted by Josef Chaloupka)
Jiří Ševčík, Václav Luks (šerm)
členové Studia Bohemia
Song Composer Giuseppe Verdi
Writer of Lyrics Pavel VrbaEduard Pergner
Singer Iveta Bartošová
Song Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Singer Oldřich Vízner [dab]Dalibor Tolaš
Song Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Writer of Lyrics Lorenzo da Ponte
Singer Oldřich Vízner [dab]Dalibor Tolaš
Svatba upírů
Svatba upírů
Vampire Wedding
featuretheatrical distribution
Czech Republic
start of filming 1 March 1993
premiere 29 September 1993 /suitable for youths/
The Vampire comedy with Rudolf Hrušínský the third and Iveta Bartošová. The Czech Vampire comedy.
JS Film, KF Praha (zadavatel), Česká pojišťovna, a. s. (zadavatel), SERVEX Plzeň (zadavatel)
feature film
96 min
without subtitles
Festival: Festival fantastických filmů Burgos
Burgos / Spain
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Festival: 15. festival české filmové komedie Novoměstský hrnec smíchu Nové Město nad Metují
Nové Město nad Metují / Czech Republic
Vladimír Smutný