Petr Kotek makes his début as a director of this film an adventurous story of The Fast Arrows – the gang of five boys – who live in one non-specified town sometime in the thirties.
In the Shadow Town, the oldest part of the city, boys call themselves Vonts and keep the rules of their organization secret from the boys from other districts. The gang's history is linked with a mysterious puzzle – the spike in a cage. In the district called The Other Side, five friends meet regularly in the club of the group the Quick Arrows. It is Mirek Dušín, Jarka Metelka and Jindra Hojer and two boys nicknamed Red Cap and Quick Leg. They want to introduce the readers of their magazine, called Tom-Tom, to the history of the puzzle. But the Cat Paw Brotherhood with its own magazine Collector is faster. Its members – Long Pole, Bristle and Bohouš – also similarly succeed in the next issue, mysteriously learning about and publishing a story of the orphan Jan Tleskač, a locksmith's apprentice, who tragically died years ago, falling from the bell tower of the St James church. Its old sexton told the Quick Arrows about him. The five boys secretly infiltrate the Shadow Town where preparations for the election of the Big Vont are being held. Both the candidates – Losna and Mažňák – try to get voters. The Quick Arrows find Tleskač's diary and thus learn about an invention whose plan was hidden by the talented boy in the spike inserted in the cage. The boys almost separate in fear that a traitor is among them, but then they fortunately discover a device by which the Brotherhood was bugging them. The boys find out from a part of the diary that Tleskač was threatened by the locksmith's master, named Em, who wanted to get hold of his ingenious invention – a flying bicycle. The Quick Arrows help the upright and noble Losna win over the malicious Mažňák in the elections. They show Losna how to remove the spike – the talisman of the Vont organization – from the cage after Tleskač's description in the diary. But the deceitful Em – Mažňák's father, who murdered his apprentice Tleskač years ago – seizes the puzzle and loses it in a gutter where he falls during his escape. The locksmith subsequently dies of an infection caused by the mud. The discovery of the flying bicycle is lost for ever.
Mirek Dušín, člen klubu Rychlé šípy
Jarka Metelka, člen klubu Rychlé šípy
Jindra Hojer, člen klubu Rychlé šípy
Rychlonožka, člen klubu Rychlé šípy
Červenáček, člen klubu Rychlé šípy
Dlouhé Bidlo, člen Bratrstva Kočičí pracky
Bohouš, člen Bratrstva Kočičí pracky
Štětináč, člen Bratrstva Kočičí pracky
Otakar Losna, kandidát na Velkého Vonta
Štěpán Mažňák, kandidát na Velkého Vonta
Velký Vont
bledý Vont
Voice by Jan Poledník
zámečnický učeň Jan Tleskač
zámečnický mistr Mažňák zvaný Em, Štěpánův otec
Voice by Josef Patočka
člen vontské rady
člen vontské rady
člen vontské rady
člen vontské rady
člen vontské rady
člen vontské rady
člen vontské rady
Tonča Sedlářová
hlas chlapce v šedivé čepici
hlas chlapce
hlas chlapce
hlas chlapce
Jaroslav Foglar (Záhada hlavolamu – román)
Jiří Pechar (steadicam), Josef Černušák (služba u kamery), Radek Faltejsek (služba u kamery)
M+M, Milan Šveňha (vedoucí výpravy), Josef Calta (rekvizitář), Jaroslav Lehman (rekvizitář), Milan Šefrna (rekvizitář)
Zuzana Máchová (vedoucí kostymérka), Mária Hubáčková, Marta Jenčová
Jan Šuster (AB Barrandov)
Jaroslav Čipera, Lenka Jandová, Vladimíra Kopecká, Ivan Vakaráč
Michaela Antošíková, Pavel Bačkovský, Rudolf Vachuda
Jiří Cuřín (vrchní osvětlovač), Jan Jindra (fotograf), Zdeněk Čermák, Bohumil Havlíček, Jiří Horych, Petr Polesný, Miroslav Vaverka, Automobilová a.s. Škoda Mladá Boleslav, Agentura GGK Praha
AB Barrandov – FHS Produkce (Music Conducted by Mario Klemens)
Záhada hlavolamu
Záhada hlavolamu
The Mystery of a Puzzle
featuretheatrical distribution
Czech Republic
the end of the distribution monopoly 12 May 1998
gala premiere 12 May 1993 (kino 64 U Hradeb, Praha)
distribution premiere 13 May 1993 /suitable for youths/
The Fast Arrows are here again.
AB Barrandov Filmová produkce, Producentské centrum Jana Šustera (AB Barrandov Filmová produkce), Ministerstvo kultury České republiky (koprodukce), Lucernafilm (koprodukce), Petr Kotek (koprodukce)
feature film
97 min
Dolby Stereo
without subtitles
Festival: 12. mezinárodní filmový festival Carrousel Rimouski
Rimouski / Canada
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Miro Gábor
Exhibition: 25. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti a 1. přehlídka televizní tvorby pro děti Ostrov
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czech Republic
Exhibition: 25. národní přehlídka filmů pro děti a 1. přehlídka televizní tvorby pro děti Ostrov
Ostrov nad Ohří / Czech Republic
Michal Škrabal
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