A commercial promoting Radion washing powder produced by the Schicht company.
A parade of laundry marches through the streets with a young woman at its head who carries a box of Radion washing powder. Her dress has the same sun pattern characteristic as the powder. The parade is gradually joined by dirty laundry from the surrounding houses and the factory. The commentary describes how to wash with Radion. We first dissolve the powder in cold water and let the laundry soak overnight in the solution. In the morning, we boil it in a washing boiler. It is pure white after the boiling. The only thing left is to rinse it, first in hot and then cold water. The cleanness of the laundry, which lined up for control, is judged by the box of Radion. The commercial ends with a sign "Radion Washes by Itself".
Five metres of colour material about the recommended product are attached at the end of the individual copies of the film.
Prací přehlídka
Prací přehlídka
A Washing Parade
Waschparade / Pracia prehliadka
animatedtheatrical distribution
date of censorship 03/1937 (německá verze)
date of censorship 05/1937 (česká a slovenská verze)
premiere 03/1937 /suitable for youths/ (německá verze)
premiere 05/1937 /suitable for youths/ (česká a slovenská verze)
AB Praha, Radion Střekov (zadavatel), Schicht Ústí nad Labem (zadavatel)
short film
4 min
110 meters
colour, black & white
Tobis – Klang
Czech, German, Slovak
Czech, German, Slovak
without subtitles
Czech, Slovak, German
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