The 5th Sokol Festival Gathering took place in 1907 in Prague, Letná (the Letná Plain). The film shots are documenting the following gymnastic exercise pieces: exercises performed by women with clubs, exercises performed by men belonging to the Prague Sokol Group, exercises performed by men with shields and canes, exercises performed by American women (Sokol members) with flags, exercises performed by women (trade union members), gymnastic exercises performed by men, exercise on gears performed by men (horizontal bars, rings, parallel bars, side horse), gymnastic exercises performed by French Sokol members. The Sokol Cavalry was parading in front of the terraces. The event was closed by a ceremony parade on Staroměstské náměstí (the Old Town Square). We can see the Slovácko band and the Sokol Cavalry participating in the parade, as well as the American Sokol members.
Praha, Letná (Praha), stadion (Letná), vodárna (Letná), Staré Město (Praha), Staroměstské náměstí (Staré Město)
Pátý všesokolský slet v Praze
Pátý všesokolský slet v Praze
Fifth All-Sokol Rally in Prague
V. všesokolský slet v Praze
documentarytheatrical distribution
reportage, sport
premiere 07/1907
Jan Kříženecký, Česká obec sokolská (zadavatel)
short film
11 min
235 meters
1:1,33, 1:1,26
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
without subtitles
without subtitles