Horse racing fans are coming from the train station towards the racecourse in Chuchle. The festively dressed audience is watching the race. The cameraman captures not only the visitor boxes, the horses and the racetrack, but also the surroundings of the stadium.
The film was filmed and presented as a part of the Jubilee Exhibition of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce at the Prague Exhibition Grounds, which lasted from May to October 1908. – The event itself took place on 10th May 1908.
Velká Chuchle u Prahy, závodiště (Velká Chuchle u Prahy), nádraží (Velká Chuchle u Prahy), kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého (Velká Chuchle u Prahy)
První den jarních dostihů pražských
První den jarních dostihů pražských
The First Day of the Spring Races of Prague
documentarytheatrical distribution
reportage, sport
premiere 05/1908 (Jubilejní výstava obchodní a živnostenské komory na pražském Výstavišti)
renewed premiere 30 August 2018 /suitable for all ages without limit/
Národní filmový archiv (obnovená 2018)
short film
5 min
20 meters
35mm, DCP 2-D
1:1,33, 1:1,26
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
without subtitles
without subtitles