At the opening of the Jubilee Exhibition of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce at the Prague Exhibition Grounds, a group of men wearing dark clothes with top and bowler hats stand in front of the building's entrance. Later the men greet an arriving group including the mayor and together they enter the building.
The film was filmed and presented as a part of the Jubilee Exhibition of the Chamber of Trade and Commerce at the Prague Exhibition Grounds, which lasted from May to October 1908. – The event itself took place on 15th May 1908.
starosta pražský 1906 – 1918
Praha, Bubeneč (Praha), Výstaviště (Bubeneč)
Zahájení výstavy za účasti pražského starosty
Zahájení výstavy za účasti pražského starosty
Opening of the Exhibition in the Presence of the Prague Mayor
Zahájení výstavy
documentarytheatrical distribution
premiere 23 May 1908 (Jubilejní výstava obchodní a živnostenské komory na pražském Výstavišti)
short film
1 min
1:1,33, 1:1,26
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
without subtitles
without subtitles