Unfinished film.
A cartoon film about a postman named Kolbaba, post office gnomes and a letter without no address based on Karel Čapek's fairy-tale of the same title.
A postman delivers the mail around the town, putting letters into the mailboxes. The last letter does not have an address written on it. The sad postman goes back to the post office and wants to get rid of the letter and throw it into the fireplace, but he is stopped by a paragraph. At midnight starts the spree of post-office elves and the postman gives them also the letter without address. The elves shine a light through the letter and read it. Then they put stamps with hearts on it and write an address “Ms Mařenka in Lhota”. The postman must go a long way, in summer and winter, until he delivers this romantic letter to Mařenka in Lhota, who was feather-plucking at the time and waiting for a message from her beloved František.
The film was never finished. The project was originally created in Bapoz in Zlín in 1941 and 1942. The work on this film was interrupted when the studio fell under the German company Deutsche Schmalfilmgesellschaft (Descheg), but Czech employees secretly continued with work on it. After the end of the war was the exposed material sent to the Brenten´s cartoon studio in Brno. Here it was gradually replaced by reshot scenes from the newly reworked version. In 1947, The Postman's Tale was completed and presented only with auxiliary sounds without music to the commission of the Prague company Short Film. She decided that the work on the film should be definitively stopped.
Karel Čapek (Pošťácká pohádka – pohádka ze sbírky Devatero pohádek a ještě jedna od Josefa Čapka jako přívažek)
František Vystrčil, Vladimír Lehký, Josef Fuksa, Bohumil Linhart
FISYO (Music Conducted by Otakar Pařík)
Pošťácká pohádka
Pošťácká pohádka
The Postman's Tale
The Mailman's Tale
animatedtheatrical distribution
partially realised project
projection approval (nepředloženo ke schválení)
premiere (neproběhla)
no caption
Pracovní skupina Brno, Otakar Brenten (šéf pracovní skupiny Brno)
short film
12 min
335 meters
black & white
without dialogue
without subtitles
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