The CIC agent Jakub Huták and a former businessman Zbyněk Prouza, who was hiding Huták, are arrested in house number 50 on Legerova Street in Prague. Fake documents, a two-way radio and some weapons are found in the apartment. Trial of Huták and his associates at the High Military Court in Prague begins. Huták testifies about his escape to the American zone in Germany and about his return to Czechoslovakia for the purpose of espionage. He wanted to obtain secret information about the design of a multi-barrelled cannon. After crossing the border, he travelled by train to Prague and reached Prouza's apartment, singled out in advance. He took advantage of Prouza's negative attitude to the régime and soon enlisted his cooperation in mapping the terrain. Next, Huták contacted an old friend, Josef Barták of the General Staff. Huták got Barták drunk in a bar, stole secret materials from his briefcase and then forced his help. Barták managed to discover several key materials in his colleagues’ offices. Huták then focused on the cannon's constructor, engineer Leopold Kavan. He befriended his young son and the boy's trusting nature soon allowed Huták to infiltrate the Kavan home. There Huták stole other important documents, hoping that Kavan would eventually succumb to his lure like Barták. After a short period of blackmailing, the engineer promised to cooperate, but then reported everything to the counter-intelligence. Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Huták had hired two more associates – Karel Kubec, a corrupt factory worker, and František Freiman, a former owner of a sanatorium, who became a doctor. Together they went to explore the military area near Zbečno. However, they were spotted by a vigilant sergeant Vilém Stašek and revealed. Huták, Prouza, Barták, Kubec and Freiman are convicted of treason. The investigation of the case revealed the lack of discipline, the carelessness, and the negligence of some citizens.
pracovník generálního štábu Josef Barták
Ladislav Kazda
Jaromír Nývlt
Státní a vojenské tajemství
Státní a vojenské tajemství
State and Military Secrets
featuretheatrical distribution
agitprop, educational
short film
17 min
470 meters
black & white
without subtitles