On the coast of Yugoslavia lives fisherman Ivo Kralj, his wife Marija, son Vuk, and Ivo's mother in one happy home. Marija, who loves her husband and always looks forward to his return from sea, attracts Nikola, with whom Ivo, out of jealousy, has a scuffle at a dance. After the outbreak of World War I Ivo is mobilized. He ends up in a P.O.W. camp where he is subjected to hard labour. His family then receives news of his death. The years pass and the lonely widow Marija is occasionally visited by her friend Nikola. Ivo's mother would like her to remarry. Soon after the wedding Marija becomes pregnant. Ivo, who has been thought dead, succeeds in escaping the P.O.W. camp where he has spent several years. Upon his arrival home he finds his name on a memorial erected to the victims of the war. He meets his son, who does not recognize him. Ivo searches for his mother and reproaches her for not preventing Marija's wedding. He goes away again in sorrow. Marija gives birth to a beautiful child and Nikola is a proud father. Life goes on...
Starfil began shooting the film in 1933 under the title The Lost Son. After shooting several scenes in Yugoslavia the Paříž-Praha company took over production with backing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Carl Junghans yielded as director and the Austrian F. W. Kraemer finished the film in 1935. In total, the film was shot in four separate language versions, in Czech, German, French and Serbo-Croatian. Film materials are preserved in the Serbian Jugoslovenska Kinoteka Belgrade.
rybář Ivo Kralj
Marija Kraljová, Ivova žena
Kraljová, Ivova matka
rybář Nikola, Ivův přítel
Vuko Kralj, Ivův synek
úředník okresního hejtmanství
šílenec v zajateckém táboře
poddůstojník v zajateckém táboře
dozorce v zajateckém táboře
symbol soudnictví
námořní důstojník v zajateckém táboře
Ivův druh v zajateckém táboře
žena u mobilizační vyhlášky
člen posádky ponorky
člen posádky ponorky
Carl Junghans (exteriéry 1933 a 1934), F. W. Kraemer (dokončení 1935)
Jaroslav Blažek (exteriéry 1933), Jan Stallich (exteriéry 1934), Harry Smeh (exteriéry 1934 a 1935), Otto Heller (interiéry 1935)
Antonín Frič (fotograf)
Orchestr F.O.K. (Music Conducted by Josef Dobeš)
Pěvecký sbor Lumír, Ita Rina, L. H. Struna [dab], F. X. Mlejnek
...a život jde dál... [srbochorvatská verze]
...a život jde dál... [srbochorvatská verze]
...and Life Goes On... [Serbo-Croatian version]
...a život teće dalje...
Ztracený syn
featuretheatrical distribution
date of censorship (nepředloženo cenzuře)
start of filming 8 April 1935 (ateliéry)
end of filming 23 April 1935 (ateliéry)
premiere (neproběhla)
premiere abroad 1935 (Jugoslávie)
Praha-Paříž (exteriéry 1934 a 1935, interiéry 1935), Starfilm (exteriéry 1933)
feature film
72 min
2 050 meters
black & white
Tobis – Klang
without subtitles
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