The film tells the story of a film director, who lost his firm, his commission and his girlfriend. With his last money he buys himself an 8mm camera and sets out on a journey, during which he summarises his life and at the same time makes a film about himself.
This film was also presented within the framework of the first travelling film festival Central Europe. The film has the subtitle An Introduction to the Philosophy of Auteur Film, and because its creators considered it a collective work, it doesn't have opening or ending credits.
Radim Valák
Song Composer Kiril Džajkovski
Song Composer Kade-chim
Movie aneb Úvod do filozofie autorského filmu
Movie aneb Úvod do filozofie autorského filmu
Příručka nezávislého filmaře
Movie – An Introduction to the Philosophy of Auteur Film
The Independent Filmmaker's Manual
Film – Uvod vo filozofijata na pravenjeto avtorski film
Movie / The Movie
featuretheatrical distribution
road movie
Czech Republic, North Macedonia
the end of the distribution monopoly 27 September 2012
premiere 27 September 2007 /recommended for 15 and over/ (kino Světozor, Praha)
Indenpenden Filmaker's Manual.
Ministerstvo kultury Makedonské republiky
feature film
84 min
colour, black & white
Dolby Digital
Czech, English, Macedonian
without subtitles
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