The story of a woman and three men of whom one is dead and the others are not overly capable of love. The story that takes place during the First World War is on the breakdown of traditional values of the modern world. Against the backdrop of the story of Klára Knabelová and her relationship to three officers of the Austro-Hungarian army there unfolds a parable on the breakdown of the old world of traditional values and the emergence of new (dis)orders. The First World War initiates this process of breakdown and plants the seeds of dark irrational forces. The only one capable of getting out of this furnace with a clean slate is the strong and charismatic woman, who becomes a symbol of equality and the promise of “new tomorrows”. Colonel von Haukwitz dies under mysterious circumstances during a cult seance. His fiancé, actress Klára Knabelová, finds out that his head, hands and heart were removed from his body after death. In searching for an answer to this mystery she meets the colonel’s closest friend, Lieutenant Heinrich Roth and fate brings them together. The military investigator Karel Vrana tries to coax Klára to cooperate against Roth and the cult circles in the army's ranks. Klára refuses, but expresses support for Vrana's search for the detached part of the colonel's body. In the meantime Roth is called to the battlefield of the First World War and Vrana sets out throughout Europe to look for von Haukwitz’s remains used by the cult groups. Klára moves away to the family farm in Moravia where she receives a different body part – the hand of the wounded lieutenant Roth. Disillusioned with war, Roth returns to Klara at her farm and seeks new way to satisfy his own irrationality. He finds it in senseless experiments with roosters or strange trips into the wilderness where he experiences his own dream states. Klara is no longer able to fill his emptiness and perhaps he doesn’t even want her to. Vrana brings the colonel’s found remains to the farm. But he afflicted with paralysis. Even he, though he's strongly attracted Klára, has nothing to offer her.
Klára Knabelová
poručík Heinrich Roth
poručík Karel Vrana
plukovník von Haukwitz
plukovník Vaverka
turecký kuchař
Kristián Suda, Ivan Hubač (šéfdramaturg ČT)
Jana Radilová, René Stejskal (zvláštní masky)
Daniel Němec (zvuk a design zvuku)
Patrik Velek (supervize), Petr Mašek (supervize)
Viktor Schwarcz, Jaroslav Kučera (šéfproducent ČT), David Jařab
Věra Ferdová, Jiří Koštýř (ČT)
Zuzana Vrbová (ČT)
Ota Bareš (práce se zvířaty), Radim Mácha (práce se zvířaty), Jaroslav Tkáňa (práce se zvířaty), FAUNA A FILM PRAHA (práce se zvířaty), Vladimír Vopravil (práce se zvířaty), Farma/Y Cunkov (práce se zvířaty), Petr Hanuš (práce se zvířaty), EQUI HANUŠ, s.r.o. (práce se zvířaty)
Fryderyk Chopin (Nocturno, Es Dur, opus 9, č. 2), Robert Schumann (Snění)
Okamžitý filmový orchestr (Music Conducted by Lukáš Prchal)
Hlava, ruce, srdce / HLAVA-RUCE-SRDCE
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, black comedy
Czech Republic
start of filming 1 August 2009
gala premiere 8 November 2010 (kino Světozor, Praha)
preview 16 November 2010 (kino Central, Hradec Králové /v rámci 1. přehlídky CinemaOpen/)
distribution premiere 18 November 2010 /recommended for 12 and over/
A film on loveless love, on warless war and unmagical magic.
CINEART TV Prague s.r.o., ČESKÁ TELEVIZE, Marek JÍCHA – LAMPA film PRAHA, Achtung 4K
feature film
110 min
35mm, DCP 2-D
Dolby Digital
Czech, Turkish
without subtitles
Festival: 8. mezinárodní festival fantastického filmu FANTASPOA
Porto Alegre / Brazil
Event: 18. výroční ceny Český lev 2011 za filmovou tvorbu roku 2010
Praha / Czech Republic
David Jařab
Event: 1. ceny české filmové kritiky 2010
Praha / Czech Republic
Marek Jícha
Event: 18. výroční ceny Český lev 2011 za filmovou tvorbu roku 2010
Praha / Czech Republic
Marek Jícha
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