In 1963 Věra Chytilová debuted with this feature film based on her own story idea. It simultaneously tells the stories of two thirtysomething women who have never met but who at different levels have to grapple with the same problem. Feeling squeezed between the monotony of their everyday lives, and their desire for change, are Eva, a female gymnast, and Věra, an ordinary housewife. Eva is determined to round off her career as a top sports woman with some very substantial contests, while Věra grants herself some “respite” from caring for her husband and son through a love affair which, ultimately, requires a solution. In the end, however, neither of the protagonists take advantage of the chance that presents itself to them... The then 34 year-old Chytilová explores what would go on to long endure as her beloved theme: women’s emancipation. In the process, she combines, true to the spirit of the New Wave of Czechoslovak cinema, performances by both professional and amateur actors. Whereas the sports woman’s storyline approaches the documentary format – thanks to a cast that includes real-life gymnast Eva Bosáková and her fellow athletes – Věra’s story is purely fictitious and is grounded in the acting skills of Věra Uzelacová, Josef Langmiler and Jiři Kodet.
Eva is a gymnast, training for an important competition after which she wants to drop the career of professional sportswoman. Věra is a housewife caring for a four-year old son and a husband. The two women do not know each other, but still have many things in common - they both are in their thirties, and both have found themselves in the whirligig of day-to-day stereotypes which make them worn out and disgusted. Věra tries to solve her dissatisfaction with life by finding a lover, Eva is forced by her husband, her coach and a ballet master to carry on with her endless training for competition. Eventually she manages to learn even the feared backwards salto. After some time, Věra realizes she does not have anything in common with her lover, and splits with him. Eva wins the competition. Now, she will have enough time to indulge in her hobbies and to realize her dreams. She, however, is unable to leave the gym and becomes a coach herself. Věra does not change her life either, although fate offers her a chance: her husband tells her he wants to get divorced. Only then does she begin to fight for her marriage and eventually manages to get her husband to stay with her and the child.
gymnastka Eva
Josef, Věřin muž
Jirka, Věřin milenec
Milda, syn Věry a Josefa
baletní mistr, Evin trenér
MUDr. Bosák, Evin muž
Dada, Věřina přítelkyně
Dadin muž
on sám, herec mezi diváky
Mojmír Ticháček
Josef Calta, Ludmila Sovová
Jaroslav Jaroš, Jaroslav Solnička, Vlasta Synkulová
Jaroslava Matlochová, Luboš Ogoun
Vladimíra Kopecká (klapka), Miloslav Mirvald (fotograf)
O něčem jiném
O něčem jiném
Another Way of Life
Something Different
Hořké vavříny
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 14 September 1962
start of filming 9 January 1963
technical Screenplay approved 9 February 1963
end of filming 29 May 1963
projection approval 15 August 1963
withdrawal from distribution 30 April 1973
premiere 20 December 1963 /suitable for youths/ (celostátní)
preview 3 January 1964 (kino Sevastopol /1 týden/, Praha)
premiere 10 January 1964 /suitable for youths/ (kino Paříž /3 týdny/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Šmída – Fikar, Ladislav Fikar (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Bohumil Šmída (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
81 min
2 298 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: Cena polského Klubu filmové kritiky
Varšava / Poland
Event: Umělecká soutěž k 20. výročí osvobození Československa
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Věra Chytilová
Festival: Mezinárodní festival osvobozené kinematografie Porretta Terme
Porretta Terme / Italy
Event: Čestná uznání Československého filmu a Svazu československých divadelních a filmových umělců z produkce roku 1963
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 12. mezinárodní filmový týden Mannheim
Mannheim / Federal Republic of Germany
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