A good looking blonde called Věra arrives at a settlement of holiday cabins in Sázava to visit the parents of her boyfriend Petr Cyril for the first time. She recognizes Karas, the jovial fifty-year-old owner of a nearby cabin and tennis court, as the man who has raped her some time ago when she was hitchhiking and he gave her a lift. Although at the time Karas got rid of his car quickly and shaved his thick beard, he realizes that the girl knows who he is, and decides to take action. In the evening, Karas spots a woman with long blonde hair in the near-by woods, takes a short-cut to catch her and kills her with several blows of pair of fire tongs. Early the next morning, he is shocked to see Věra on the terrace of the Cyrils' hut. His victim was Marta, a young woman hurrying to a secret date with her lover wearing her new blonde wig. Although her husband is a very jealous man, the police detectives do not believe that he is the culprit. Věra is in shock and wants to leave, but Petr suspects nothing and the couple have a row. Věra walks through the woods all alone to the bus stop. Karas draws the criminologist's attention by setting off drunk in his car after Vera. The detectives catch him dragging girl lifeless body. Surprised, Karas drops Věra to the ground and attempts to drive away. He ends up having a car crash and dies in the flames inside his car. Luckily, Věra has only been knocked unconscious and recovers quickly in the arms of Petr, who sets out after her.
Karas, majitel tenisových kurtů
Karasova žena
Marta Šteklová
Voice by Kateřina Macháčková
stopařka Věra Prošková
Voice by Tomáš Töpfer
Petr Cyril, Věřin chlapec
osadník Karel Štekl, Martin muž
Cyril, Petrův otec
Cyrilová, Petrova matka
kapitán VB Havránek
poručík VB Šíma
muž v teplákové soupravě
Roman Čížek, Martin milenec
mladík u vody
nadstrážmistr VB
strážmistr VB
řidič volhy
Jiří Potsch, Žofie Futerová
Eva Slívová, Marcel Kříž, Jiří Matějka
Michal Dinko, Peter Nedovaška, Karel Pavlů
Dagmar Rašilovová
JUDr. Přemysl Velický
Jarmila Kovtanová (klapka), Jitka Bylinská (fotografka)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
featuretheatrical distribution
crime, short-story
short film
30 min
847 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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