Sergeants Hrubý and Mareš detain at patrol a foreign agent. He has documents on the name Dvořák and a charged gun. He confesses that he crossed the border with Bavaria with another man. Both frontier guards together with Dvořák set out to look for the second trespasser. The walk in deep snow is tiring and the wind soon wipes off all the traces. Falling down in the ravine Mareš injures his leg. Hrubý brings him and the detained man to the desolate inn where he places them. He does not suspect that the wanted man hides in the building and leaves for help to the station. Within short the wind carries echo of shots to him. He quickly returns but it is too late. Mareš is dead and wounded Dvořák is dying. He utters only one word: the train. Hrubý by last force runs down to the train which is leaving from a small railway station. Among few passangers he discloses the trespasser. After skirmish in a tunnel the agent is killed. It is true, the sergeant Hrubý fulfilled his duty but sadness about the death of a friend has remained.
strážmistr Josef Hrubý
strážmistr Karel Mareš
narušitel Dvořák
lesní dělník Bajer
lesní dělník, Josefův známý
dubl za Jaroslava Mareše
Rudolf Kalčík (Pronásledování – povídka ze sbírky Oheň v srdci)
Jiří Rulík, Miloš Osvald, Ivo Černý
Juraj Zach
JUDr. Přemysl Velický , pplk. Jiří Navrátil , pplk. Jiří Brabec , mjr. Josef Šimlík
Lidmila Eybergerová (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka), Pohraniční stráž Sušice-Volary, Hlavní správa Pohraniční stráže
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Zimní vítr 1951
Zimní vítr 1951
The Winter Wind 1951
featuretheatrical distribution
drama, short-story
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Copa, Karel Cop (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
medium length film
33 min
922 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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