In 1977, the adventure books of author Eduard Štorch inspired a trio of “prehistoric” films from director Jan Schmidt. Osada Havranů (The Ravens' Stronghold) forms the first instalment in this trilogy (the other two are Na Veliké řece – On the Big River; and Volání rodu – Indivisible Clan). The hero of the tale is young boy Havranpírko, or “Little Raven Feather”. The film tells the story of how little Havranpírko arrives on the currents of an overflowing river, and is accepted into the Order of the Ravens. The youngster is only received in his new home due to a sacred sign. But Havranpírko is afforded genuine protection by the brave hunter Sokol, or “Falcon”, who trains the young boy to become a courageous warrior... This adventure tale, geared towards younger audiences, serves an educational purpose, offering viewers a somewhat idealised view of life in prehistoric times. Alongside child non-actor Ludvík Hradílk, Jiří Bartoška shines as the stout Sokol.
A river in flood carries a small boy to the Raven settlement. The hunters want to kill him, but when a ravenfeather floats down onto him the boy is saved, for ravens are sacred in the stronghold. The boy is adopted into the clan and gets the name Havranpírko [Raven-feather]. The years go by and Havranpírko has become a strapping youth but has still not been accepted among the men. When the men go out hunting he has to stay at home and guard the women. He makes friends with young Sokol [Falcon] from the neighbouring village and Sokol teaches him to shoot with a bow and catch small game. One day, when the men have gone off to hunt boar, brigands attack the village, steal a cow, abduct the girl Veveřice [Squirrel] and knock Havranpírko senseless. But Sokol is at hand. Together with Havranpírko he catches up with the brigands. They free Veveřice, recover the booty and, having called the hunters to their aid, they put the brigands to flight. Merchants who exchange salt, flints, and cloth with the villagers for furs and horns bring some excitement to life in the stronghold. Then a cruel winter sets in and the Ravens are hungry. Havranpírko catches Divous [Wild-One] stealing corn, but the latter cunningly gets the boy himself blamed for the theft instead. As a punishment, Havranpírko is driven out of the stronghold, but Veveřice discovers Divous and his wife baking bread. Now it is clear who the thief is, and Divous and his wife Vrtilka have to leave the village. The long winter ends, and spring and summer finally come round. Havranpírko hunts with Sokol and manages to shoot and kill with bow and arrow deer. With this deed he becomes, in Sokol's words, a "hunter of the clan".
The first part of a trilogy set in the prehistoric age. For the second part, see On the Great River and for the third part, see Call of the Clan.
lovec Sokol
Voice by Roman Skamene
Starý Havran
lovec Divous
kupec Kam
kupec Ger, Kamův otec
Vrtilka, Divousova žena
Drápova žena
Syslova žena
lovec Sobol
lovec z rodu Havranů
lovec z rodu Havranů
žena z rodu Havranů
Havranpírko jako malý
Voice by Mirko Musil
kupecký nosič
kupecký nosič
kupecký nosič
Jiří Prokeš, Josef Loučím
Eduard Štorch (Osada Havranů – román)
Jiří Bžoch, Karel Kracík, Dana Smržová, Pavel Šoltys
dr. Karel Sklenář, RNDr. Jiří Olšbauer, Jaroslav Tomsa
Helena Kadlecová (klapka), Karel Šebík (fotograf), V. Suchomel, Z. Kudrna
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), Studio elektronické hudby FSB
Osada Havranů
Osada Havranů
The Ravens’ Stronghold
Havranpírko / Dar Veliké řeky / Trilogie z pravěku
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 14 April 1975
start of filming 4 January 1976
technical Screenplay approved 13 May 1976
end of filming 2 November 1977
projection approval 24 November 1977
withdrawal from distribution 31 March 1994
premiere 8 September 1978 /suitable for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Oty Hofmana, Ota Hofman (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
64 min
1 869 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
Festival: 18. festival filmů pro děti Gottwaldov
Zlín / Czechoslovakia
Festival: 29. filmový festival pracujících – léto ´78
61 měst / Czechoslovakia
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