A variety of genres were visited in the early days of Jiří Svoboda’s directing career. Alongside psychological dramas such as Zrcadlo pro Kristýnu (The Mirror for Christine, 1975) and Oddechový čas (Time for a Breather, 1977) and the historical drama Dům na Poříčí (The House in Na Poříčí Street, 1978) he also made Modrá planeta (The Blue Planet, 1979) about a young engineer named Pavlík who dreams of becoming a cosmonaut. However, rather than our fictitious hero, it is the actual Vladimír Remek – in real life, Czechoslovakia’s first cosmonaut – who heads for the stars at the end of the movie… This naively conceived film – Barrandov film studios' contribution to the celebrations of Czechoslovak cooperation in the Soviet space programme – stands out mainly for its cast which included Radoslav Brzobohatý, Jiří Kodet and Evelyna Steimarová. The leading role was played by Jiří Menzel, who in his capacity as a film director was then preparing to adapt a number of works by Bohumil Hrabal including Postřižiny (Cutting It Short, 1980), Krasosmutnění (Beautiful Sadness, 1982, TV film) and Slavnosti sněženek (A Feast of Snowdrops, 1983).
Štěpán Pavlík, a design engineer of connection technology, longs to become a astronaut. He sends his application to Moscow and waits for the answer. He meets the team from the observatory in Ondřejov, where he also encounters a mysterious girl Mab, who sometimes shows up close to the observatory. Finally, the answer comes from the Academy of Science in Moscow. On the basis of the Academy's decision Štěpán is taken on at the observatory, where he replaces engineer Málek who has resigned. Štěpán works hard on the measuring equipment to be used inside the spacecraft and is supposed to be flying to Moscow in a month to conduct functional tests on the equipment. But his work is not entirely successful. He finishes it in due time but knows there are faults in it. These are eliminated by engineer Málek, who has withdrawn his notice. Štěpán doesn't go to Moscow, he stays in Czechoslovakia, sad and with a feeling of having wasted an opportunity... Time goes by, and Štěpán watches the launch of the spacecraft with the Czechoslovak astronaut Vladimír Remek on it. He thinks about the girl Mab and about his dreams. He is reconciled with his life and glad that mankind is making a reality of his dreams, and the dreams of millions of others.
konstruktér Ing. Štěpán Pavlík
astronom dr. Mastník
Kateřina Panýrová, pracovnice obse
astronom Ing. Petr Málek
dr. Skalník, vedoucí observatoře
dr. Karel Perout
dívka na kole zvaná Mab
aranžérka Jitka, Štěpánova dívka
invalida, Štěpánův kamarád
Marta, Peroutova žena
blázen Horáček
dr. Čížek
sousedka Květa Ronešová
muž Ronešové
žena v maringotce
vedoucí prodejny
muž v zelené bundě
dubl za Lenku Kodešovou
dubl za Evelynu Steimarovou
Jaroslav Hrubeš
Karel Valtera, Čestmír Mlíkovský, Pavel Toufar, Jiří Svoboda
Pavel Dosoudil
Jan Hodný, Jaroslav Česal, Karel Kočí
Milan Nosek
prof. Ing. Aleš Tříska, DrSc., RNDr. Boris Valníček, DrSc., Václav Hejna
Dana Průchová (klapka), Ivan Minář (fotograf), Středisko pro výcvik kosmonautů Jurije Gagarina, Astronomický ústav ČSAV
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Singer Jan Schmid
Singer ženský hlas
Song Composer Jiří Šlitr
Writer of Lyrics Jiří Suchý
Singer Jiří Menzel
Modrá planeta
Modrá planeta
The Blue Planet
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 27 April 1978
end of filming 15 May 1978
start of filming 19 July 1978
technical Screenplay approved 9 August 1978
projection approval 4 June 1979
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1986
premiere 25 January 1980 /inaccessible for youths/
Dramaturgická skupina Karla Valtery, Karel Valtera (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
feature film
86 min
2 433 meters
16mm, 35mm
Czech, Russian
without subtitles
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