In a wine bar, Hanuš Král, an older fresh father celebrates with several colleagues from the office and their wives the birth of his son Přemysl. Normally a decent man can't cope with too much alcohol and as he is drunk he starts to insult the green-grocer Ptáčková sitting alone at the next table. He says that she gouges on the price of goods and she cheats small children and she gets rich on their account. The bar closes and Král as the last guest staggers out in the dark. He finds himself in an unknown yard somewhere in the Prague Lesser Town. In the morning the police - the captain Jeřábková and the lieutenant Volf wake him up at home. Mrs Ptáčková was murdered and in her flat were found Král's documents and after the search the police found her jewellery in his pocket. The alcohol deleted Král's memories. Despite of all evidence he does not seem to be the offender. He only recalls a weeping of a child and a chubby bum. He is released from the arrest. In the end the criminalists learn about a bank-book from which the real murderer draws money. He confesses that he invited the older lady to the wine bar and went to burgle her flat. But Mrs Ptáčková came back too early and so he killed her. The idea to put the blame on an unknown drunkard by setting up the evidence he got in the yard of the house. Král did not recognize the man who stole his documents at night, neither he understood that he the distinct chin of the murderer reminded him of a bum and that in the moment he heard a weeping child.
úředník Hanuš Král
Voice by Libuše Švormová
kapitánka VB Jeřábková
nadporučík VB Arnošt Volf
Václav Křička
Marie Křičková
Karel Valenta
Pavlína Valentová
Králova žena
zelinářka Evženie Ptáčková
úřednice spořitelny
úřednice spořitelny
vrchní číšník
mladá maminka
příslušník VB
vedoucí spořitelny
žena ve spořitelně
prodavačka v kiosku
Karel Kracík, Miloš Sršeň, Dana Smržová, Milan Šefrna
Juraj Zach, Jiří Holeček, Renée Lavecká
plk. Josef Janůrek
Vladimír Čech (režijní supervize), Z. Stančeková (klapka), Alena Červená (fotografka)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín), skupina Jaromíra Vogela
featuretheatrical distribution
crime, short-story
literary Screenplay approved 10 May 1979
start of filming 28 May 1979
technical Screenplay approved 15 June 1979
end of filming 7 September 1979
projection approval 28 December 1979
Dramaturgická skupina Vladimíra Kaliny, Vladimír Kalina (vedoucí dramaturgické skupiny)
short film
27 min
751 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles