In this tale of a young man who has perfectly messed up his life, the renowned director Karel Kachyňa took a humorous look at the system of “one hundred percent employment” in the socialist state. The victim of these practices is 18-year-old František Vodrážka, who after arduously graduating from university is compelled to work in a factory. After a dreary stint in the design office, the offer of a place in the laboratory appeals to him, but in the end he can’t stick with that either – much like he couldn't stick with his girlfriends Jára and Vlasta and the earlier promise of a rowing career. František, nicknamed Fandy, is thus a prototype of the internally unattached, lazy outsider, whose good heart gets him nowhere. The film’s title role was taken by the now forgotten Bohumír Starý, while Dana Medřická bid farewell to her professional career in the role of Fandy’s mother.
Frantiek Vodráka, nicknamed Fandy by his friends, gets through his A levels only by a whisker. His father died and he lives with his mother who would love to see him work and earn money as soon as possible. But Frantiek wants to savour freedom for a while. He spends some time in a rowing club with his friend Pepa, rowing a double skiff with him. The two then set off to a small camp site by the river to meet the girls Jára and Vlasta. Fandy fancies Jára, but she came to prefer Pepa. Fandy does not like to pay much attention to Vlasta. Jára and Pepa must get a job and Fandy would rather start in a factory with them. His boring engagement in a construction office is followed by a job in a laboratory which he begins to enjoy. Jára is pregnant by Pepa who, however, does not want to marry. Fandy offers to marry her, but Jára chooses an abortion anyway. She calls Fandy from the hospital at night and the boy sets off to see her although he should record the results of an important experiment during his night shift. In hospital, he is told that the surgery is already over. He returns to the lab and records the measurements only by estimate, thus distorting the entire experiment. He does not plead guilty and cowardly runs away from the factory. Jára is back home from hospital and invites Fandy to visit her in the evening. But Fandy meets his friend Béďa on the way to her place and gets drunk with him. He arrives at Jára's late at night, dirty and barefoot. In the morning, he understands that he has lost the girl. He also loses his membership in the rowing club because he cannot perform properly due to his hangover. His meeting with Vlasta does not turn out well for him, either. The girl has already found herself another boyfriend. He cannot even return to the laboratory because he does not have a permit. He climbs over the fence but jumps into the back of a truck that is heading out of the factory.
Voice by Vladislav Beneš
František Vodrážka zvaný Fandy
Fandyho maminka
Voice by Taťjana Medvecká
Voice by Zuzana Bydžovská
zdravotní sestra Vlasta
Pepa Rejcha, Františkův kamarád
Béďa Unčovský, Františkův spolužák
vedoucí laboratoře Ing. Růžička
kreslič Berka
kreslič Liška
Ota Sluníčko, vedoucí v továrně
vedoucí kreslírny Ing. Nachtman
vrátný v továrně
kreslič Urban
kreslička Suchá
žena na kolečkových bruslích
trenér veslování
zdravotní sestra
žena v bílém
homosexuál Jiří
kulatý muž
maturant Pospíšil
politý muž u Fleků
maturant Botka zvaný Ráčkovec
prodavač ovoce
Lubošek Vávra, Vlastin nový přítel
předseda maturitní komise
kreslič Vaněk
člen komise
člen komise
člen komise
člen komise
vysoká žena
vysoký muž
maturant Turek zvaný Brýlovec
opilec na parníku
babička v okně
slečna od Fleků
dubl za Bohumíra Starého
dubl za Čestmíra Řandu ml.
Ivo Musil
Petr Rychetský (pyrotechnik)
Tomáš Baloun, Vojtěch Panáček, Iva Šetková
Vojtěch Panáček
Jaroslav Tomsa, Vladimír Jánoš
Z. Augustová (klapka), Zdeněk Vávra (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by František Belfín)
Song Composer Luboš Fišer
Writer of Lyrics Pavel Kopta
Singer Naďa Urbánková
Fandy ó Fandy
Fandy ó Fandy
Fandy, oh Fandy!
featuretheatrical distribution
literary Screenplay approved 1 February 1982
start of filming 1 March 1982
technical Screenplay approved 16 March 1982
end of filming 29 September 1982
projection approval 24 June 1983
withdrawal from distribution 31 May 1993
premiere 1 December 1983 /inaccessible for youths/
5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupina, Miloslav Vydra (vedoucí 5. dramaturgicko-výrobní skupiny)
feature film
87 min
2 437 meters
16mm, 35mm
without subtitles
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