A film transcription of the same novel of Jaroslav Havlíček. The title originates from the names of five daughters of an unusual country doctor Hanzelín: Helena, Lidmila, Marie, Dora and little Ema. Girls and their father remembers the narrator of the story, the elderly Prague doctor.
An ageing doctor recalls his youth – He-Li-Ma-Do-E: Helena, Lidmila, Marie, Dora. and Emilka, five daughters of the peculiar doctor Hanzelín. The teenager, Emil, son of the district commissioner in a Southern Bohemian city Staré Hrady, in the year 1911 falls seriously ill. He is under the treatment of doctor Hanzelín. His daughters attend to the boy in turns. Emil's father follows the doctor's advice and sends his son to the doctor's family every day for additional treatment. Thus Emil finds himself mainly in women's world. The girls gibe at him a bit and they seduce him a bit as well. The boy falls in love with Dora, who as the only one unwilling to be a spinster. Her only suitor is the teacher, Pírko, but she does not like him. The youngest daughter Ema loves Emil as her first childhood love and, out of jealousy, she reveals to him that Dora is dating the magician in the evenings. His wife, Aga, died from tuberculosis in the town. One evening, Emil sees the couple making love. He is angry with Dora, but in the end he secretly brings her letters from the magician. Dora runs away from home and her father, doctor Hanzelín, forbids any mention of her at home. Ema takes her position. All singing, the girls ride with their father in his barouche, calling on patients. Emil's father is promoted and his family moves away. Later, Emil graduates from medical school. Many years after, he has in his hands doctor Hanzelín's obituary and is looking at pictures from his youth. His recollection becomes stronger as he hears a magician's voice from the open market nearby.
MUDr. Josef Hanzelín
Helena, Hanzelínova dcera
Lidmila, Hanzelínova dcera
Marie, Hanzelínova dcera
Dora, Hanzelínova dcera
Ema, Hanzelínova dcera
MUDr. Emil jako chlapec/cizí chlapec na pouti
MUDr. Emil jako muž
c. k. okresní hejtman Oldřich, Emilův otec
Emilova matka
Háta, hospodyně u hejtmanů
salonní kouzelník Adalbert Balda
Miss Aga, Baldova žena
učitel Pírko
profesor matematiky
profesor, člen komise
pacient Josífek
pacientka se syfilisem
otec pacientky
stará žena u nemocné
Jaroslav Havlíček (Helimadoe – román)
Václav Šašek, Jaromil Jireš (spolupráce na scénáři)
Film Dekor, Ota Černý, Jaroslav Roubíček
Pavel Dvořák, Jan Kacian (mix zvuku)
Karel Škorpík (ČT), Helena Sýkorová (ČT), Věra Laštuvková (KF)
František Karoch (ČT), Šárka Podlipná (KF)
Marcela Týcová (ČT), Tomáš Kodíček (KF)
Zdenka Horáková, Petr Novák (KF), Hana Turečková (KF)
Jan Čuřík (umělecká spolupráce), Jan Klouza (vrchní osvětlovač), Zuzana Kovaříková (fotografka), Miroslav Bachtík, Vladimír Churáček, Michal Id, Jana Kvasničková
Luboš Fišer, Miroslav Kořínek (úprava lidových písní)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Jana DolanskáZuzana BydžovskáLjuba KrbováLucie ZedníčkováJana Konečná
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Jana DolanskáLjuba KrbováLucie ZedníčkováJana Konečná
Song Composer lidová slovenská píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová slovenská píseň
Singer Jana DolanskáLjuba KrbováLucie ZedníčkováJana Konečná
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Jana DolanskáZuzana BydžovskáLucie ZedníčkováJana Konečná
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Jana DolanskáZuzana BydžovskáLjuba KrbováLucie ZedníčkováJana Konečná
Song Composer lidová píseň
Writer of Lyrics lidová píseň
Singer Jana DolanskáZuzana BydžovskáLjuba KrbováJana Konečná
featuretheatrical distribution
Czech Republic
gala premiere 7 April 1993 (Praha)
distribution premiere 8 April 1993 /suitable for youths/
The romantic story about a teenager who grows to be a man.
Česká televize, Tvůrčí skupina Škorpík – Sýkorová (Česká televize), KF Praha, Studio 1 – Věra Laštuvková (KF Praha)
feature film
90 min
Czech, French
without subtitles
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Luboš Fišer
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Josef Somr
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Václav Šašek
Event: Anketa časopisu Kinorevue
Praha / Czech Republic
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Lucie Zedníčková
Festival: 11. mezinárodní filmový festival Harare
Harare / Zimbabwe
Event: 1. Český lev za rok 1993
Praha / Czech Republic
Jaromil Jireš
Festival: 2. mezinárodní filmový festival hraných debutů Fórum´93 Bratislava
Bratislava / the Slovak Republic