Mr Kupr is stealing around the streets and the house. At home he finally calms down but is then even more startled by the bell. The insurance agent is at the door. The nervous Kupr is behaving like a madman and the agent wants to leave. He finally agrees to stay and listens to Kupr's story. A while ago Mr Kupr caused a small traffic accident. He drove his car into a funeral procession, knocked over the coffin and the deceased who fell out came to life. The retired railwayman Bartoš is very glad that he hasn't been buried and is very grateful to Mr Kupr at first. However, little by little, his family changes its mind about the whole thing and demands that Kupr pays for the ruined funeral, including the banquet. Old Bartoš demands that his rescuer start paying his pension which the Pensions Office blocked as he was considered dead officially. He has plenty of time so he pesters Mr Kupr incessantly and everywhere. The insurance agent can understand Mr Kupr but, unfortunately, he has come to inform him that his car insurance hasn't been paid. At that very moment Bartoš knocks at the door with his short stick and Kupr gets a stroke. The old Mr Bartoš goes to water the flowers on his grave.
Jan Kupr
Antonín Bartoš, železničář v. v.
agent pojišťovny
Fanoušek Bartoš, syn Antonína
Mařenka Bartošová, snacha Antonína
garážmistr Kudera
prodavač textilu
Karel Čapek (Právní případ – povídka ze sbírky povídek Bajky a podpovídky)
Vratislav Innermann
František Pávek
Právní případ
Právní případ
A Legal Case
featuretheatrical distribution
comedy, short-story
literary Screenplay approved 20 February 1957
literary Screenplay approved 3 July 1957
start of filming 12 March 1958
technical Screenplay approved 4 August 1958
end of filming 5 October 1958
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
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