After directing one of the stories in the film Hlídač dynamitu (The Dynamite Watcher, 1963), director Hynek Bočan made his feature film debut with Nikdo se nebude smát (Nobody Gets the Last Laugh), inspired by a tale from Milan Kundera’s short stories collection Směšné lásky (Laughable Loves). Art historian and assistant professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Karel Klíma gets himself into trouble when he loses a paper on the painter Mikoláš Aleš, written by an aspiring but hopeless scholar. The telling of a small lie results in the manic author of the worthless text getting on a war footing with Klíma, which wreaks havoc in the latter's professional and personal life... This sarcastic story of the minor transgressions of a scholar grown lazy offers a bizarre, merciless criticism of a society based on hypocrisy and envy. Bočan, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Pavel Juráček, cast Jan Kačer as the protagonist of his unusually mature debut.
It is a winter day. Very young, pretty Klára has moved to the attic apartment of thirty-year old Klíma, working as an Evaluative Assistant at the Academy of Fine Arts. Klíma, who doubted their relationship, is soon reconciled with the girl's presence. Klára works as seamstress but longs for the career of a model, and Klíma promises to put in a word for her. The girl reads aloud a letter in which a Záturecký asks Klíma for his professional evaluation of his treatise on the 19th-century Czech painter Mikoláš Aleš, mailed to Klíma some time ago. Klíma cannot find the manuscript, and thus sends Záturecký only an evasive response, totally unaware of the consequences. Záturecký begins to pursue him systematically and obstinately demands a lector's evaluation. Klíma eventually finds the work and finds out that it is solely a compilation of various other treatises, lacking any single bit of scientific value. He does not feel like writing the evaluation and begins to hide from Záturecký. The little hard-headed man who devoted several years to his "scientific research" pursues Klíma both at the faculty and at home. Klíma mistakenly thinks he will get rid of him by accusing him of molesting Klára. Záturecký does not hesitate to involve his wife in the pursuit. A meeting of the house tenants is organized, condemning Klíma's immoral life – he, indeed, lives an unmarried life with a woman! At the faculty, Klíma faces the threat of losing his job. No one believes him that the treatise on Aleš is so poor, just the contrary; the colleagues suggest that Klíma wants to have his revenge. Eventually, the young scientist is left even by Klára.
In the story, Klíma once introduces Klára by the surname Novotná, another time as Pokorná. Also in the scene which takes place in the flat of Klára´s father, the father´s diploma hanging on the wall gives the name František Novotný but Klíma in turn addresses him as Pokorný and in the same way talks about his daughter as Pokorná. In the story on which the film is based, moreover, Klára does not even have a surname.
PhDr. Karel Klíma, odborný asistent AVU
Klára Novotná
Josef Záturecký
předseda uličního výboru
profesor Vrána, proděkan AVU
sekretářka Mařenka
domovník Labský
akademický malíř Jiří Hora
docent Gála
sousedka Šefránková
Vondra, soused opravující auto
student Vladimír Goldman
elegantní penzista
blondýnka na schůzi
starý manžel
stará manželka
Klářin otec
prodavačka z galerie
vedoucí krejčovny
kluk s brýlemi
pedagog AVU
muž v klubu
sekretářka Svazu výtvarných umělců
hlas souseda se žiletkami
Milan Kundera (Nikdo se nebude smát – povídka ze sbírky Směšné lásky)
Josef Calta, Ludmila Sovová, Miloš Sršeň
Jiřina Brandejsová (klapka), Jiří Stach (fotograf), Jiří Všetečka (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Štěpán Koníček)
Nikdo se nebude smát
Nikdo se nebude smát
Nobody Gets the Last Laugh
Nikdo se smát nebude
featuretheatrical distribution
technical Screenplay approved 30 December 1964
start of filming 1 February 1965
end of filming 2 June 1965
projection approval 1 October 1965
withdrawal from distribution 6 April 1973
premiere 4 February 1966 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Jalta /2 týdny/, Praha)
premiere 4 February 1966 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
Tvůrčí skupina Švabík – Procházka, Jan Procházka (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Erich Švabík (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
92 min
2 630 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Exhibition: 12. západoněmecké dny krátkého filmu Oberhausen
Oberhausen / Federal Republic of Germany
Festival: 14. mezinárodní filmový týden Mannheim
Mannheim / Federal Republic of Germany
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