Unfinished film.
Seventy-year-old, knocked up and worn-out Anna K. packs her bundle of things and, dressed in a skirt, sets off from her village solitude to the railway station through a snow-covered landscape. She has a long way ahead of her to meet her imprisoned son, whom she has been allowed to visit after a long time. It is cold on the train and the old woman is standing uncomfortably, too shy to grab a seat. She gets off with the mass of people transfering to the bus to Leopoldov [village with fortress which served as another prison; translator´s note]. But Anna K. changes to yet another train, with many hours´ riding ahead of her. She is gradually joined by masses of people who, like herself, are going to visit their relatives in the prison – both adults and children, both youngsters and old people. A young mother is going to show her child to his imprisoned father, who has not seen him yet. Another woman is going to visit her husband, accompanied by her lover. In Prague, they all change for the train to the end station – Jáchymov. After many hours of waiting by the prison gate, the visitors are finally allowed to enter. Anna K. is the last one to pass through the control post of documents. The man waiting for her at the other side of the table, however, is not her son. A minor mistake occurred, caused by a difference in the last names. A week ago, Anna K.´s son was transfered to the Leopoldov fortress...
For the sake of utmost authenticity, the director, Drha, engaged non-actors for the majority of roles (including the leading actress) and the extras. The film was shot synchronically on 16-mm and a certain amount of improvisation was expected. Following several days of exterior work in the Beskids Mountains and shooting on the train, the crew received the aforementioned ban. The film materials are believed lost.
Anna Koštiaková
hubená dívka
matka malého dítěte
mladá paní
partner mladé paní
Košťálová, žena jednoho z vězňů
muž ve vlaku
Zdena Škvorecká (Návštěva povolena – povídka)
Karel Kočí, Bohumil Varhaník, Antonín Chloupek
Milan Štěch, František Jaderník
Václav Polák
Irena Hrušková (klapka), Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
Praha, Beskydy
Anně K. je zima
Anně K. je zima
Anně K. Is Cold
Návštěva povolena
featuretheatrical distribution
partially realised project, lost film
political, short-story
black & white
without subtitles
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