Pavel Juráček left his mark on the history of the Czechoslovak New Wave as both screenwriter and director. Alongside the feature-length parable Případ pro začínajícího kata (Case for the New Hangman) (1969), he also created the 1965 diptych of stories Každý mladý muž (Every Young Man). While both stories set against the backdrop of basic military service met Barrandov’s dramaturgical demand for current, topical subjects, their absurdist tone means they significantly exceed that brief. As the author of the story and screenplay and director he succeeded in creating stories that confront the reality of the socialist army with heroes incapable of giving up their ordinariness, humanity and fallibility. While “every young man” behind the walls of the barracks dreams of the outside world and the women therein, he bears the impossibility of liberation internally… In the story Achilles Heel a dismissive old hand – a lance corporal (Pavel Landovský) – gets to know the naive squaddie Soukup (Ivan Vyskočil), suffering from an inflammation of the Achilles tendon, on the way to hospital in Plzeň. In the story Every Young Man soldiers discuss women confidently on exercises. But when a woman appears at an organised dance evening none of them dares to speak to her… Juráček’s delicately casual picture was not unanimously well received; critics at the time were at something of a loss as to what to make of it and in the main regarded it as merely anti-militaristic. The film bears the hallmarks of Juráček’s oeuvre – opposition to the totalitarian system and self-appointed authorities and a sense of alienation in an absurd world that drives right feeling and thinking individuals to derangement. In Every Young Man apparent randomness, a mosaic-like structure and the unclassifiable nature of the story combine with a deeply thought out structure. The film thus offers a good example of the ways in which the members of the Czechoslovak New Wave came to terms with reality. Fledgling cameraman Ivan Šlapeta gave the mosaic-like structure a unified form. In the first story the playwright Václav Havel appears briefly in the role of a hospital patient.
Two short stories.
The film was shot by cameraman Jiří Vojta. After disagreements with director Pavel Juráček, he was replaced by his colleague Ivan Šlapeta.
vojín Soukup
dívka/zdravotní sestra/lékařka/servírka
muž v okně
smějící se žena
světlovlasý pacient v nemocnici
vojín Petrus
vojín Bárta
vojín Balónek
vojín Matejka
vojín Gajar
vojín Beran
vojín Krištůfek
kapitán Pleskot
vojín Sobota
vojín na marodce
ženatý voják
svobodník u bazuky
zpívající vojín
vojín Alois Korejs
hlas zelináře/hlas muže v parku
hlas stařečka s králíkem
hlas ženy v muzeu/hlas ženy v okně
Zbyněk Brynych (supervize)
Karel Hyka, Václav Havlík
pplk. František Říčka, pplk. Zdeněk Kodeš
jednotky Československé lidové armády, Vladimír Souček (fotograf)
FISYO (Music Conducted by Milivoj UzelacŠtěpán Koníček), skupina Mefisto
Song Composer Karel Svoboda
Writer of Lyrics Jaromír Vomáčka
Singer Viktor SodomaPetr Štěpánek
Song Composer Jaromír Vomáčka
Writer of Lyrics Jaromír Vomáčka
Singer Karel Štědrýmužský sbor
Song Composer Jaromír Vomáčka
Writer of Lyrics Jaromír Čermák
Singer Pavlína Filipovská
Song Composer Ervín Toman
Writer of Lyrics Jan Mareš
Singer mužský sbor
Každý mladý muž
Každý mladý muž
Every Young Man
povídkový film
featuretheatrical distribution
short-story, psychological
literary Screenplay approved 30 April 1965
technical Screenplay approved 7 June 1965
start of filming 26 July 1965
end of filming 19 December 1965
projection approval 28 December 1965
withdrawal from distribution 31 December 1972
premiere 13 May 1966 /inaccessible for youths/ (celostátní)
premiere 27 May 1966 /inaccessible for youths/ (kino Jalta /3 týdny/, Praha)
Tvůrčí skupina Novotný – Kubala, Bedřich Kubala (vedoucí dramaturg tvůrčí skupiny), Ladislav Novotný (vedoucí výroby tvůrčí skupiny)
feature film
82 min
2 328 meters
16mm, 35mm
black & white
without subtitles
Event: 7. mezinárodní setkání filmů pro mládež Cannes
Cannes / France
Exhibition: 13. západoněmecké dny krátkého filmu Oberhausen
Oberhausen / Federal Republic of Germany
Exhibition: 13. západoněmecké dny krátkého filmu Oberhausen
Oberhausen / Federal Republic of Germany
Event: Cena Víta Nejedlého 1966
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Pavel Juráček
Festival: 15. mezinárodní filmový festival Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary / Czechoslovakia
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