Through Diamonds of the Night and his other 1960s films, Jan Němec (1936–2016) contributed to the international renown of Czechoslovak cinema. In August 1968 he recorded the first hours of the Soviet occupation of Prague and smuggled the images to the West, where he was subsequently forced to emigrate in 1974, after being blacklisted from working in film. On his return home after the Velvet Revolution in 1989, he resumed his work in a free society which, however, required him to find a new style and approach to audiovisual expression. His work in the digital era is again distinguished by its originality and distinctive style, which was also recognised at the Locarno Festival. -mrš-
Voice byDirectorOriginal StoryBased onScreenplaySelected Music
Role: hlas režiséra za kamerou
DirectorCopyrightProducerDistributionProduction Company ScreenplayOriginal StorySecond Unit Photography
DistributionScreenplayProduction Company CopyrightOriginal StoryVoice byMusic Composed byDirectorProducer
Role: hlas
ScreenplayMusic Composed byOriginal StoryShooting ScriptDirectorCopyrightProduction Company Narrated byMusic Performed byNarration Written byDirector of Photography
fotokamera a digitální kamera
ScreenplaySingerMusic Composed byProduction Company Director of PhotographyCopyrightMusic Performed byDirectorProducerPerformers
CopyrightProducerNarration Written byProduction Company Director of PhotographyOriginal StoryCooperationShooting ScriptScreenplayDirectorSecond Unit PhotographyDistribution
dodatečné záběry
Festival: 17. mezinárodní festival dokumentárních filmů Ji.hlava
Jihlava / Czech Republic
Event: Ceny Trilobit Beroun 2011 Českého filmového a televizního svazu
Beroun / Czech Republic
Event: Zlatá medaile Akademie múzických umění
Praha / Czech Republic
Gold Medal of the Academy of Performing Arts
Festival: 21. mezinárodní filmový festival Alpe Adria Cinema Terst
Terst / Italy
The Ferrari Dino Girl
Festival: 3. mezinárodní festival česko-německo-židovské kultury Praha – Devět bran
Praha / Czech Republic
Diamonds of the Night
Festival: 54. mezinárodní filmový festival Locarno
Locarno / Switzerland
Late Night Talks with Mother
Event: Ceny ministra kultury a informací Československé socialistické republiky v oboru filmové tvorby
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Event: Ceny Trilobit 1966
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Martyrs of Love
Event: Ceny Trilobit 1966
Praha / Czechoslovakia
The Party and the Guests
Event: Umělecká soutěž k 20. výročí osvobození Československa
Praha / Czechoslovakia
Diamonds of the Night
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